Celine Granjou
Celine Granjou
Irstea - University of Grenoble Alpes
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The politics of anticipation: On knowing and governing environmental futures
C Granjou, J Walker, JF Salazar
Futures 92, 5-11, 2017
L’expertise scientifique à destination politique
C Granjou
Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, 175-183, 2003
Epistemic commitments: making relevant science in biodiversity studies
C Granjou, I Arpin
Science, Technology, & Human Values 40 (6), 1022-1046, 2015
MELiSSA the minimal biosphere: human life, waste and refuge in deep space
J Walker, C Granjou
Futures 92, 59-69, 2017
Métamorphoses de l'expertise: Précaution et maladies à prions
C Granjou, M Barbier
Editions Quae, 2010
Soil sciences and the French 4 per 1000 Initiative—The promises of underground carbon
JKK King, C Granjou, J Fournil, L Cecillon
Energy research & social science 45, 144-152, 2018
Living and labouring soils: Metagenomic ecology and a new agricultural revolution?
C Granjou, C Phillips
BioSocieties 14 (3), 393-415, 2019
Micropolitiques de la biodiversité. Experts et professionnels de la nature
C Granjou
Peter Lang, 2013
Un «impératif scientifique» pour l'action publique?
C Granjou, I Mauz
Socio-logos, 16, 2008
Assessing nature? The genesis of the intergovernmental platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services (IPBES)
C Granjou, I Mauz, S Louvel, V Tournay
Science, Technology and Society 18 (1), 9-27, 2013
Thinking with soils: Material politics and social theory
JF Salazar, C Granjou, M Kearnes, A Krzywoszynska, M Tironi
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020
Quand l’identité de l’objet-frontière se construit chemin faisant. Le cas de l’estimation de l’effectif de la population de loups en France
C Granjou, I Mauz
Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances 3 (3-1), 2009
How scientific visions matter: insights from three long-term socio-ecological research (LTSER) platforms under construction in Europe
I Mauz, T Peltola, C Granjou, S Van Bommel, A Buijs
Environmental Science & Policy 19, 90-99, 2012
Organiser la proximité entre usagers de l’eau: le cas de la Gestion Volumétrique dans le Bassin de la Charente
C Granjou, P Garin
Développement durable et territoires. Économie, géographie, politique, droit …, 2006
Making taxonomy environmentally relevant. Insights from an all taxa biodiversity inventory
C Granjou, I Mauz, M Barbier, P Breucker
Environmental Science & Policy 38, 254-262, 2014
A new border zone in science. Collaboration and tensions between modelling ecologists and field naturalists
I Mauz, C Granjou
Science as Culture 22 (3), 314-343, 2013
Sociologie des changements environnementaux: futurs de la nature
C Granjou
ISTE Group, 2015
Environmental changes: The futures of nature
C Granjou
Elsevier, 2016
Les conditions de l’articulation entre recherche et expertise. Le cas des recherches sur la biodiversité
C Granjou, I Mauz, M Daccache
Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances 7 (7-1), 2013
Institutional entrepreneurship and techniques of inclusiveness in the creation of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
I Arpin, M Barbier, G Ollivier, C Granjou
Ecology and Society 21 (4), 2016
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Articles 1–20