sima emadi
sima emadi
Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University
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Cited by
Determination of Customer Satisfaction using Improved K-means algorithm
H Zare, S Emadi
Soft Computing 24 (22), 2020
Patch-based offline signature verification using one-class hierarchical deep learning
S Shariatmadari, S Emadi, Y Akbari
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 22 (4 …, 2019
Automated generation of software testing path based on ant colony
F Sayyari, S Emadi
2015 International Congress on Technology, Communication and Knowledge …, 2015
Development of managerial key performance indicators for a hospital pharmacy digital dashboard
AD Mahmodabadi, M Langarizadeh, MHM Mehrjardi, S Emadi
Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: IJPR 18 (4), 2124, 2019
Transformation of usecase and sequence diagrams to petri nets
S Emadi, F Shams
2009 ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control …, 2009
An efficient deep learning model for cultivar identification of a pistachio tree
A Heidary-Sharifabad, MS Zarchi, S Emadi, G Zarei
British Food Journal 123 (11), 3592-3609, 2021
A new executable model for software architecture based on Petri Net
S Emadi, F Shams
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2 (9), 15-25, 2009
From UML component diagram to an executable model based on Petri Nets
S Emadi, F Shams
2008 International Symposium on Information Technology 4, 1-8, 2008
Nonlinear dynamics tools for offline signature verification using one-class gaussian process
S Shariatmadari, S Emadi, Y Akbari
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 34 …, 2020
Critical factors in the effective of service-oriented architecture
S Emadi, RH Hanza
Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal 2 (3), 26-30, 2013
Efficient Deep Learning Models for Categorizing Chenopodiaceae in the Wild
A Heidary-Sharifabad, MS Zarchi, S Emadi, G Zarei
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 35 …, 2021
Mapping annotated use case and sequence diagrams to a petri net notation for performance evaluation
S Emadi, F Shams
2009 Second International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering …, 2009
An analytical model for performance evaluation of software architectural styles
SM Sharafi, GA Ghazvini, S Emadi
2010 2nd International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering 1 …, 2010
RQAR: Location-free reliable and QoS-aware routing protocol for mobile sink underwater wireless sensor networks
M.A Babaei Shahraki, S Emadi, V Ayatollahitafti, G Mirjalily
International Journal of Communication Systems, Early View, 2023
An approach to non-functional requirements analysis at software architecture level
S Emadi, F Shams
2008 8th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information …, 2008
QoS-aware service composition based on context-free grammar and skyline in service function chaining using genetic algorithm
P Khosravian, S Emadi, G Mirjalily, B Zamani
PeerJ Computer Science 7, e603, 2021
Reliable controller placement in software‐defined networks using reliability covering graph and irregular cellular learning automata
R Gholamrezaei, G Mirjalily, S Emadi
International Journal of Communication Systems 35 (4), e5056, 2022
Enriching web services tags to improve data-driven web services composition
N Dara, S Emadi
Journal of Web Engineering 20 (2), 327-358, 2021
Ietf-based finite automaton for service composition in service function chaining
P Khosravian, S Emadi, G Mirjalily, B Zamani
Wireless Personal Communications 114 (2), 1235-1247, 2020
An integrated method for semantic web service composition using planning based on qualitative parameters
A Rafiee, S Emadi
2016 Second International Conference on Web Research (ICWR), 84-89, 2016
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Articles 1–20