Ioannis Kopsalis
Ioannis Kopsalis
Assistant Professor - Department of Physics - National Technical University of Athens, Greece
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Cited by
Specifications and pre-production of n+-in-p large-format strip sensors fabricated in 6-inch silicon wafers, ATLAS18, for the Inner Tracker of the ATLAS Detector for High …
Y Unno, H Abidi, A Affolder, K Affolder, PP Allport, S Beaupre, GA Beck, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 18 (03), T03008, 2023
Design and first tests of a radiation-hard pixel sensor for the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser
J Schwandt, E Fretwurst, R Klanner, I Kopsalis, J Zhang
2013 14th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and …, 2013
Charge collection study with the ATLAS ITk prototype silicon strip sensors ATLAS17LS
K Hara, SH Abidi, AA Affolder, P Allport, MJ Basso, A Casha, V Cindro, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2020
The influence of edge effects on the determination of the doping profile of silicon pad diodes
E Fretwurst, E Garutti, M Hufschmidt, R Klanner, I Kopsalis, J Schwandt
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2017
Quality Assurance methodology for the ATLAS Inner Tracker strip sensor production
M Ullán, P Allport, K Dette, V Fadeyev, J Fernández-Tejero, C Fleta, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2020
Study of X-ray radiation damage in the AGIPD sensor for the European XFEL
J Zhang, E Fretwurst, H Graafsma, R Klanner, I Kopsalis, J Schwandt
Journal of Instrumentation 9 (05), C05022, 2014
Surface effects in segmented silicon sensors
J Schwandt, E Fretwurst, E Garutti, R Klanner, I Kopsalis
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2017
First tests of a reconfigurable depleted MAPS sensor for digital electromagnetic calorimetry
PP Allport, R Bosley, J Dopke, S Flynn, L Gonella, I Kopsalis, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2020
Characterization of the polysilicon resistor in silicon strip sensors for ATLAS inner tracker as a function of temperature, pre-and post-irradiation
V Latoňová, PP Allport, E Bach, J Bernabeu, A Chisholm, V Cindro, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2023
Test and extraction methods for the QC parameters of silicon strip sensors for ATLAS upgrade tracker
D Rousso, DM Jones, P Federicova, B Hommels, A Affolder, K Affolder, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2023
Probing high‐energy ion‐implanted silicon by micro‐Raman spectroscopy
I Kopsalis, V Paneta, M Kokkoris, E Liarokapis, M Erich, S Petrović, ...
Journal of Raman spectroscopy 45 (8), 650-656, 2014
X-ray induced radiation damage in segmented p+ n silicon sensors
J Zhang, E Fretwurst, R Klanner, J Schwandt, J Becker, I Kopsalis, ...
PoS (Vertex 2012) 19, 2013
Establishing the Quality Assurance programme for the strip sensor production of the ATLAS tracker upgrade including irradiation with neutrons, photons and protons to HL-LHC …
I Kopsalis, P Allport, E Bach, A Bhardwaj, A Chisholm, V Cindro, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 18 (05), C05009, 2023
Pre-production results from ATLAS ITk Strip Sensors Quality Assurance Testchip
P Allport, E Bach, MJ Basso, A Chisholm, V Cindro, V Fadeyev, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 17 (11), C11002, 2022
DECAL: a reconfigurable monolithic active pixel sensor for use in calorimetry and tracking
S Benhammadi, J Dopke, N Guerrini, P Phillips, I Sedgwick, G Villani, ...
Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics 2, 6, 2019
ATLAS ITk strip sensor quality assurance tests and results of ATLAS18 pre-production sensors
S Hirose, V Latonova, BM Ciungu, M Mikestikova, J Kvasnicka, A Hunter, ...
ATL-COM-ITK-2023-001, 2023
Investigation of deep implanted carbon and oxygen channeling profiles in [1 1 0] silicon, using d-NRA and SEM
V Paneta, M Erich, S Fazinić, M Kokkoris, I Kopsalis, S Petrović, T Tadić
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2014
Determination of the p-spray profile for n+ p silicon sensors using a MOSFET
E Fretwurst, E Garutti, R Klanner, I Kopsalis, J Schwandt, M Weberpals
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2017
Surface Effects in Segmented Silicon Sensors
I Kopsalis
Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, 2017
Preliminary test results of LGADs from Teledyne e2v for the LHC’s High-Luminosity upgrade
J Mulvey, P Allport, R Bell, D Bortoletto, M Gazi, L Gonella, D Jordan, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 17 (10), C10001, 2022
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Articles 1–20