Dr. Udin
Cited by
Cited by
The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Transformational Leadership on Affective Commitment and Employee Performance
I Astuty, U Udin
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 7 (10), 401-411, 2020
The effect of training and job promotion on work motivation and its implications on job performance: Evidence from Indonesia
S Haryono, S Supardi, U Udin
Management Science Letters 10 (9), 2107-2112, 2020
Empowerment Model for Sustainable Tourism Village in an Emerging Country
S Purnomo, ES Rahayu, AL Riani, S Suminah, U Udin
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 7 (2), 261-270, 2020
The effect of electronic payments security on e-commerce consumer perception: An extended model of technology acceptance
MN Ardiansah, A Chariri, S Rahardja, U Udin
Management Science Letters 10 (7), 1473-1480, 2020
Strategies for MSMEs to Achieve Sustainable Competitive Advantage: The SWOT Analysis Method
B Jatmiko, U Udin, R Raharti, T Laras, KF Ardi
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (3), 505-515, 2021
The relationships among leadership styles, communication skills, and employee satisfaction: A study on equal employment opportunity in leadership
T Wikaningrum, Udin, A Yuniawan
Journal of Business and Retail Management Research 13 (1), 125-134, 2018
Environmental performance and firm value: Testing the role of firm reputation in emerging countries
K Khanifah, U Udin, N Hadi, F Alfiana
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 10 (1), 96-103, 2020
Psychological Capital, Personality Traits of Big-Five, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Task Performance: Testing Their Relationships
U Udin, A Yuniawan
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 7 (9), 781-790, 2020
Transformational Leadership and Innovative Behavior: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing in Indonesian Private University
S Suhana, U Udin, S Suharnomo, F Mas’ud
International Journal of Higher Education 8 (6), 15-25, 2019
The effect of corporate governance disclosure on banking performance: Empirical evidence from Iran, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia
K Khanifah, P Hardiningsih, A Darmaryantiko, I Iryantik, U Udin
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business 7 (3), 41-51, 2020
Does Competency, Commitment, and Internal Control Influence Accountability?
P Hardiningsih, U Udin, GN Masdjojo, C Srimindarti
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 7 (4), 223-233, 2020
Investigating the Relationship between Person-Organization Fit, Person-Job Fit, and Innovative Work Behavior: The Mediation Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior
S Suwanti, U Udin
Quality - Access to Success 21 (176), 36-41, 2020
Firm value improvement strategy, corporate social responsibility, and institutional ownership
M Chabachib, TU Fitriana, H Hersugondo, ID Pamungkas, U Udin
International Journal of Financial Research 10 (4), 152-163, 2019
Examining the effect of transformational leadership, extrinsic reward, and knowledge sharing on creative performance of Indonesian SMEs
E Sulistiyani, Udin, E Rahardja
Quality - Access to Success 19 (167), 63-67, 2018
Empowering Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Roles of Psychological Empowerment and Emotional Intelligence in Medical Service Industry
MA Shahab, A Sobari, U Udin
International Journal of Economics and Business Administration 6 (3), 80-91, 2018
The Effect of Spiritual Leadership and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction
T Maryati, RJ Astuti, U Udin
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 9 (3), 130-143, 2019
Islamic Work Ethics, Affective Commitment and Employee’s Performance in Family Business: Testing Their Relationships
U Udin, R Dananjoyo, M Shaikh, DV Linarta
SAGE Open 12 (1), 1-12, 2022
The Effect of Sustainability Information Disclosure on Financial and Market Performance: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia and Malaysia
P Hardiningsih, I Januarti, ENA Yuyetta, C Srimindarti, U Udin
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 10 (2), 18-25, 2020
Linking transformational leadership to organizational learning culture and employee performance: The mediation-moderation model
U Udin
International Journal of Professional Business Review 8 (3), e01229, 2023
Company attributes and firm value: Evidence from companies listed on Jakarta Islamic index
LM Ifada, F Faisal, I Ghozali, U Udin
Espacios 40 (37), 11, 2019
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Articles 1–20