Spyretta Golemati
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AI in medical imaging informatics: current challenges and future directions
AS Panayides, A Amini, ND Filipovic, A Sharma, SA Tsaftaris, A Young, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 24 (7), 1837-1857, 2020
Carotid artery wall motion estimated from B-mode ultrasound using region tracking and block matching
S Golemati, A Sassano, MJ Lever, AA Bharath, S Dhanjil, AN Nicolaides
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 29 (3), 387-399, 2003
Using the Hough transform to segment ultrasound images of longitudinal and transverse sections of the carotid artery
S Golemati, J Stoitsis, EG Sifakis, T Balkizas, KS Nikita
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 33 (12), 1918-1932, 2007
Computer aided diagnosis based on medical image processing and artificial intelligence methods
J Stoitsis, I Valavanis, SG Mougiakakou, S Golemati, A Nikita, KS Nikita
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2006
Patterns of dynamic hyperinflation during exercise and recovery in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
I Vogiatzis, O Georgiadou, S Golemati, A Aliverti, E Kosmas, E Kastanakis, ...
Thorax 60 (9), 723-729, 2005
Comparison of multiresolution features for texture classification of carotid atherosclerosis from B-mode ultrasound
NN Tsiaparas, S Golemati, I Andreadis, JS Stoitsis, I Valavanis, KS Nikita
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 15 (1), 130-137, 2010
Computer-aided diagnosis of carotid atherosclerosis based on ultrasound image statistics, laws’ texture and neural networks
SG Mougiakakou, S Golemati, I Gousias, AN Nicolaides, KS Nikita
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 33 (1), 26-36, 2007
The relationship between serum levels of vascular calcification inhibitors and carotid plaque vulnerability
NPE Kadoglou, T Gerasimidis, S Golemati, A Kapelouzou, ...
Journal of vascular surgery 47 (1), 55-62, 2008
Human respiratory muscle blood flow measured by near-infrared spectroscopy and indocyanine green
JA Guenette, I Vogiatzis, S Zakynthinos, D Athanasopoulos, M Koskolou, ...
Journal of Applied Physiology 104 (4), 1202-1210, 2008
Comparison of block matching and differential methods for motion analysis of the carotid artery wall from ultrasound images
S Golemati, JS Stoitsis, A Gastounioti, AC Dimopoulos, V Koropouli, ...
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 16 (5), 852-858, 2012
A modular software system to assist interpretation of medical images—Application to vascular ultrasound images
J Stoitsis, S Golemati, KS Nikita
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 55 (6), 1944-1952, 2006
Respiratory kinematics by optoelectronic plethysmography during exercise in men and women
I Vogiatzis, A Aliverti, S Golemati, O Georgiadou, A LoMauro, E Kosmas, ...
European journal of applied physiology 93, 581-587, 2005
Effects of rehabilitation on chest wall volume regulation during exercise in COPD patients
O Georgiadou, I Vogiatzis, G Stratakos, A Koutsoukou, S Golemati, ...
European Respiratory Journal 29 (2), 284-291, 2007
Toward novel noninvasive and low-cost markers for predicting strokes in asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis: the role of ultrasound image analysis
S Golemati, A Gastounioti, KS Nikita
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (3), 652-658, 2013
Automated detection of the carotid artery wall in B-mode ultrasound images using active contours initialized by the Hough transform
J Stoitsis, S Golemati, S Kendros, KS Nikita
2008 30th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2008
Effects of hypoxia on diaphragmatic fatigue in highly trained athletes
I Vogiatzis, O Georgiadou, M Koskolou, D Athanasopoulos, K Kostikas, ...
The Journal of physiology 581 (1), 299-308, 2007
Comparison of Kalman-filter-based approaches for block matching in arterial wall motion analysis from B-mode ultrasound
A Gastounioti, S Golemati, J Stoitsis, KS Nikita
Measurement Science and Technology 22 (11), 114008, 2011
Fractal dimension estimation of carotid atherosclerotic plaques from B-mode ultrasound: a pilot study
P Asvestas, S Golemati, GK Matsopoulos, KS Nikita, AN Nicolaides
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 28 (9), 1129-1136, 2002
Time–frequency analysis methods to quantify the time-varying microstructure of sleep EEG spindles: Possibility for dementia biomarkers?
PY Ktonas, S Golemati, P Xanthopoulos, V Sakkalis, MD Ortigueira, ...
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 185 (1), 133-142, 2009
Echogenicity of b‐mode sonographic images of the carotid artery: work in progress
S Golemati, TJ Tegos, A Sassano, KS Nikita, AN Nicolaides
Journal of ultrasound in medicine 23 (5), 659-669, 2004
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