Anna Myrodia
Anna Myrodia
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Impact of product configuration systems on product profitability and costing accuracy
A Myrodia, K Kristjansdottir, L Hvam
Computers in Industry 88, 12-18, 2017
Return on investment from the use of product configuration systems–A case study
K Kristjansdottir, S Shafiee, L Hvam, M Bonev, A Myrodia
Computers in Industry 100, 57-69, 2018
Configuration lifecycle management maturity model
A Myrodia, T Randrup, L Hvam
Computers in Industry 106, 30-47, 2019
Configuration Lifecycle Management–An assessment of the benefits based on maturity
A Myrodia, T Randrup, L Hvam
The 20th International Workshop on Configuration, 119-124, 2018
Managing Variety in Configure-to-Order Products-An Operational Method
A Myrodia, L Hvam
International Journal of Engineering and Industrial Management 5 (4), 195-206, 2014
Identification of complexity cost factors in manufacturing companies
A Myrodia, L Hvam
22nd EurOMA Conference, 2015
Product configuration system and its impact on product's life cycle complexity
A Myrodia, K Kristjansdottir, S Shafiee, L Hvam
Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2016 IEEE …, 2016
Reconfiguring Variety, Profitability, and Postponement for Product Customization with Global Supply Chains
M Bonev, A Myrodia, L Hvam
Managing Complexity, 13-26, 2017
Product portfolio optimization based on substitution
A Myrodia, A Moseley, L Hvam
Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2017 IEEE …, 2017
Analysis of Visual Representation Techniques for Product Configuration Systems in Industrial Companies
S Shafiee, K Kristjansdottir, L Hvam, A Felfernig, A Myrodia
Quantification of Benefits and Cost from Applying a Product Configuration System
K Kristjansdottir, S Shafiee, L Hvam, M Bonev, A Myrodia
7th international conference on mass customization and personalization in …, 2016
Two-way substitution effects on inventory in configure-to-order production systems
A Myrodia, M Bonev, L Hvam
Proceedings of the 2015 Ieee International Conference on Industrial …, 2015
Impact on cost accuracy and profitability from implementing product configuration system–A case-study
A Myrodia, K Kristjansdottir, L Hvam
17th International Configuration Workshop, 11-17, 2015
Complexity Management-A multiple case study analysis on control and reduction of complexity costs
A Myrodia
DTU Management Engineering, 2016
Framework for developing product strategy for Configure-To-Order products
A Myrodia, L Hvam
6th International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization in …, 2014
A study of cost implications from not maintaining a PCS
JB Rasmussen, A Myrodia, L Hvam, NH Mortensen
8th International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization, 2018
Analysis of Product Modelling Techniques for Product Configuration Systems in Industrial Companies
S Shafiee, K Kristjansdottir, L Hvam, A Felfernig, A Myrodia
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2016
Managing complexity of product mix and production flow in configure-to-order production systems
A Myrodia, M Bonev, L Hvam
Proceedings of 21st Euroma Conference, 2014
Which variety is free? Discerning the impact of product variety in the process industry
A Moseley, A Myrodia, L Hvam
Impact of the utilization of a product configuration system on product’s life cycle complexity
A Myrodia, K Kristjansdottir, S Shafiee, L Hvam
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Articles 1–20