Muzaffer Aşkın
Muzaffer Aşkın
Munzur University
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New soliton properties to the ill-posed Boussinesq equation arising in nonlinear physical science
S Duran, M Askin, TA Sulaiman
An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories …, 2017
New exact solutions for the doubly dispersive equation using the improved Bernoulli sub-equation function method
F Dusunceli, E Celik, M Askin, H Bulut
Indian Journal of Physics 95, 309-314, 2021
Observation of the Fe spin spiral structure in Fe/Sm-Co exchange-spring bilayers by Mössbauer spectroscopy
VE Kuncser, M Doi, W Keune, M Askin, H Spies, JS Jiang, A Inomata, ...
Physical Review B 68 (6), 064416, 2003
Synthesis of chiral monoaza-15-crown-5 ethers from a chiral amino alcohol and enantiomeric recognition of potassium and sodium salts of amino acids
M Togrul, M Askin, H Hosgoren
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 16 (16), 2771-2777, 2005
Travelling wave simulations to the modified Zakharov-Kuzentsov model arising in plasma physics
HM Baskonus, M Askin
Litteris et Artibus, 2016
Thermodynamics in f (T, θ) gravity
M Askin, H Abedi, M Salti
Rom. J. Phys 60 (1-2), 44-55, 2015
The effects of whole body cell phone exposure on the T1 relaxation times and trace elements in the serum of rats
F Aksen, S Dasdag, MZ Akdag, M Askin, MM Dasdag
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 23 (1), 7-17, 2004
Cosmology via thermodynamics of polytropic gas
M Askin, M Salti, O Aydogdu
Modern Physics Letters A 32 (32), 1750177, 2017
Mössbauer effect study of the Fe spin structure in exchange-bias and exchange-spring systems
6 W Keune1, V E Kuncser1,3, M Doi1,4, M Askin1,5, H Spies1, B Sahoo1, E ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 35 (19), 2002
The Calculation of Correlation Time (τ) for T 1 Spin–Lattice and T 2 Spin–Spin Relaxation Times in Agar Solutions
M Aşkin, A Yilmaz
Spectroscopy letters 37 (2), 217-224, 2004
Sandviç kompozit tabakalarında mekanik gerilmelerin basınca bağlı olarak ansys yazılımı ile incelenmesi
B Zengin, K Kaymaz, M Aşkın, S Taşkaya
Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 79-93, 2018
Polytropic Carnot heat engine
M Askin, M Salti, O Aydogdu
Modern Physics Letters A 34 (24), 1950197, 2019
Konutlarda yapay aydınlatma enerjisinin etkin yönetimi
AE Öztürk, M Aşkın, M Dal, S Korunur, K Kaymaz
Effect of the transition metal elements on the relaxation times in the agar solutions
M Askin
Asian Journal of Chemistry 19 (4), 3191, 2007
Elastic Stress Analysis of St 37 and St 70 Steels with Finite Element Method
S Taskaya, B Zengin, K Kaymaz, M Askin
Int J Mat Sci Appl 8 (6), 103-108, 2019
Investigation of Mechanical Stresses on Sandwich Composite Layers According to The Pressure By Making Use of Ansys Software
K Kaymaz, B Zengin, M Aşkın, S Taşkaya
Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi,(CMES 2018 Sempozyum …, 2018
Fizik lisans öğrencilerinin fizik öğrenmeye ilişkin görüşleri üzerine bir çalışma
N Özek, S Gönen, AK Maskan, T Kavak, M Aşkın
Eğitim ve Bilim 28 (128), 2003
The examination of a variety of different ions added to the crown ether derivatives with high field NMR spectrometer
M Aşkin, B Zengin, S Korunur, H Kor, MZ Köylü
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 11, 391-394, 2017
Concentration dependence of NMR T1 in agar solutions
M Aşkin, K Yurdakoc, Z Gülsün
Spectroscopy letters 26 (6), 1039-1043, 1993
Temperature Dependence Study of Chiral Ether Derivative by^ sup 1^ H NMR Relaxation Time
A Ekinci, MZ Köylü, M Askin
Asian Journal of Chemistry 26 (8), 2400, 2014
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Articles 1–20