Mahdi Farnaghi
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Cited by
Blockchain, an enabling technology for transparent and accountable decentralized public participatory GIS
M Farnaghi, A Mansourian
Cities 105, 102850, 2020
Spatiotemporally explicit earthquake prediction using deep neural network
M Yousefzadeh, SA Hosseini, M Farnaghi
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 144, 106663, 2021
Spatial analysis of HIV-TB co-clustering in Uganda
A Aturinde, M Farnaghi, P Pilesjö, A Mansourian
BMC infectious diseases 19, 1-10, 2019
LaSVM-based big data learning system for dynamic prediction of air pollution in Tehran
Z Ghaemi, A Alimohammadi, M Farnaghi
Environmental monitoring and assessment 190, 1-17, 2018
An ecological study of chronic kidney disease in five Mesoamerican countries: associations with crop and heat
E Hansson, A Mansourian, M Farnaghi, M Petzold, K Jakobsson
BMC Public Health 21 (1), 840, 2021
Predictive mapping of urban air pollution using Apache Spark on a Hadoop cluster
M Asgari, M Farnaghi, Z Ghaemi
Proceedings of the 2017 international conference on cloud and big data …, 2017
A varied density-based clustering approach for event detection from heterogeneous twitter data
Z Ghaemi, M Farnaghi
ISPRS international journal of geo-information 8 (2), 82, 2019
Disaster planning using automated composition of semantic OGC web services: A case study in sheltering
M Farnaghi, A Mansourian
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 41, 204-218, 2013
Spatiotemporal data partitioning for distributed random forest algorithm: Air quality prediction using imbalanced big spatiotemporal data on spark distributed framework
M Asgari, W Yang, M Farnaghi
Environmental Technology & Innovation 27, 102776, 2022
Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Tweet Mining for Event Detection: A Case Study of Hurricane Florence
M Farnaghi, Z Ghaemi, A Mansourian
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 11, 378–393, 2020
Development of new generations of mobile GIS systems using Web services technologies: A case study for emergency management
A Mansourian, M Farnaghi, M Taleai
Journal of Applied Sciences 8 (15), 2669-2677, 2008
Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Tweet Mining for Event Detection: A Case Study of Hurricane Florence
M Farnaghi, Z Ghaemi, A Mansourian
Forest fire spatial modelling using ordered weighted averaging multi-criteria evaluation.
H Faramarzi, SM Hosseini, HR Pourghasemi, M Farnaghi
Automatic composition of WSMO based geospatial semantic web services using artificial intelligence planning
M Farnaghi, A Mansourian
Journal of Spatial Science 58 (2), 235-250, 2013
A recommender geoportal for geospatial resource discovery and recommendation
S Dareshiri, M Farnaghi, M Sahelgozin
Journal of Spatial Science 64 (1), 49-71, 2019
Hadoop-based distributed system for online prediction of air pollution based on support vector machine
Z Ghaemi, M Farnaghi, A Alimohammadi
ISPRS International Conference on Sensors and Models in Remote Sensing and …, 2015
Predictive risk mapping of human leptospirosis using support vector machine classification and multilayer perceptron neural network
M Ahangarcani, M Farnaghi, MR Shirzadi, P Pilesjö, A Mansourian
Geospatial health 14 (1), 53-61, 2019
Design and implementation of an on-demand feature extraction web service to facilitate development of spatial data infrastructures
A Mansourian, MJV Zoje, A Mohammadzadeh, M Farnaghi
Computers, environment and urban systems 32 (5), 377-385, 2008
A personalized location-based and serendipity-oriented point of interest recommender assistant based on behavioral patterns
S Khoshahval, M Farnaghi, M Taleai, A Mansourian
Geospatial Technologies for All: Selected Papers of the 21st AGILE …, 2018
Spatial analysis of ambient air pollution and cardiovascular disease (CVD) hospitalization across Sweden
A Aturinde, M Farnaghi, P Pilesjö, K Sundquist, A Mansourian
GeoHealth 5 (5), e2020GH000323, 2021
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Articles 1–20