Andrea Barbero
Andrea Barbero
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Recapitulation of endochondral bone formation using human adult mesenchymal stem cells as a paradigm for developmental engineering
C Scotti, B Tonnarelli, A Papadimitropoulos, A Scherberich, S Schaeren, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (16), 7251-7256, 2010
Osteochondral tissue engineering
I Martin, S Miot, A Barbero, M Jakob, D Wendt
Journal of biomechanics 40 (4), 750-765, 2007
Real‐time quantitative RT‐PCR analysis of human bone marrow stromal cells during osteogenic differentiation in vitro
O Frank, M Heim, M Jakob, A Barbero, D Schäfer, I Bendik, W Dick, ...
Journal of cellular biochemistry 85 (4), 737-746, 2002
Age related changes in human articular chondrocyte yield, proliferation and post-expansion chondrogenic capacity
A Barbero, S Grogan, D Schäfer, M Heberer, P Mainil-Varlet, I Martin
Osteoarthritis and cartilage 12 (6), 476-484, 2004
Plasticity of clonal populations of dedifferentiated adult human articular chondrocytes
A Barbero, S Ploegert, M Heberer, I Martin
Arthritis & Rheumatism 48 (5), 1315-1325, 2003
Engineering of a functional bone organ through endochondral ossification
C Scotti, E Piccinini, H Takizawa, A Todorov, P Bourgine, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (10), 3997-4002, 2013
Enhanced chondrocyte proliferation and mesenchymal stromal cells chondrogenesis in coculture pellets mediate improved cartilage formation
C Acharya, A Adesida, P Zajac, M Mumme, J Riesle, I Martin, A Barbero
Journal of cellular physiology 227 (1), 88-97, 2012
Three-dimensional tissue engineering of hyaline cartilage: comparison of adult nasal and articular chondrocytes
W Kafienah, M Jakob, O Démarteau, A Frazer, MD Barker, I Martin, ...
Tissue engineering 8 (5), 817-826, 2002
Nasal chondrocyte-based engineered autologous cartilage tissue for repair of articular cartilage defects: an observational first-in-human trial
M Mumme, A Barbero, S Miot, A Wixmerten, S Feliciano, F Wolf, ...
The Lancet 388 (10055), 1985-1994, 2016
Visual Histological Grading System for the Evaluation of in Vitro–Generated Neocartilage
SP Grogan, A Barbero, V Winkelmann, F Rieser, JS Fitzsimmons, ...
Tissue engineering 12 (8), 2141-2149, 2006
Engineered autologous cartilage tissue for nasal reconstruction after tumour resection: an observational first-in-human trial
I Fulco, S Miot, MD Haug, A Barbero, A Wixmerten, S Feliciano, F Wolf, ...
The Lancet 384 (9940), 337-346, 2014
Cell yield, proliferation, and postexpansion differentiation capacity of human ear, nasal, and rib chondrocytes
AG Tay, J Farhadi, R Suetterlin, G Pierer, M Heberer, I Martin
Tissue engineering 10 (5-6), 762-770, 2004
Hyperphysiological compression of articular cartilage induces an osteoarthritic phenotype in a cartilage-on-a-chip model
P Occhetta, A Mainardi, E Votta, Q Vallmajo-Martin, M Ehrbar, I Martin, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 3 (7), 545-557, 2019
Tissue engineering strategies to study cartilage development, degeneration and regeneration
M Bhattacharjee, J Coburn, M Centola, S Murab, A Barbero, DL Kaplan, ...
Advanced drug delivery reviews 84, 107-122, 2015
Identification of markers to characterize and sort human articular chondrocytes with enhanced in vitro chondrogenic capacity
SP Grogan, A Barbero, J Diaz‐Romero, AM Cleton‐Jansen, S Soeder, ...
Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of …, 2007
Adipose stromal cells mediated switching of the pro-inflammatory profile of M1-like macrophages is facilitated by PGE2: in vitro evaluation
C Manferdini, F Paolella, E Gabusi, L Gambari, A Piacentini, G Filardo, ...
Osteoarthritis and cartilage 25 (7), 1161-1171, 2017
Adult human neural crest–derived cells for articular cartilage repair
K Pelttari, B Pippenger, M Mumme, S Feliciano, C Scotti, P Mainil-Varlet, ...
Science translational medicine 6 (251), 251ra119-251ra119, 2014
Engineered cartilage generated by nasal chondrocytes is responsive to physical forces resembling joint loading
C Candrian, D Vonwil, A Barbero, E Bonacina, S Miot, J Farhadi, D Wirz, ...
Arthritis & Rheumatism 58 (1), 197-208, 2008
Anabolic and catabolic responses of human articular chondrocytes to varying oxygen percentages
S Ströbel, M Loparic, D Wendt, AD Schenk, C Candrian, RLP Lindberg, ...
Arthritis research & therapy 12, 1-15, 2010
Multipotential nestin and Isl-1 positive mesenchymal stem cells isolated from human pancreatic islets
M Eberhardt, P Salmon, MA Von Mach, JG Hengstler, M Brulport, ...
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 345 (3), 1167-1176, 2006
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Articles 1–20