Lars von Kolzenberg
Lars von Kolzenberg
Breathe Battery Technologies
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Cited by
Solid–electrolyte interphase during battery cycling: Theory of growth regimes
L von Kolzenberg, A Latz, B Horstmann
ChemSusChem 13 (15), 3901-3910, 2020
Rational design of ion separation membranes
D Rall, D Menne, AM Schweidtmann, J Kamp, L von Kolzenberg, A Mitsos, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 569, 209-219, 2019
Chemo‐mechanical model of SEI growth on silicon electrode particles
L von Kolzenberg, A Latz, B Horstmann
Batteries & Supercaps 5 (2), e202100216, 2022
Efficient simulation of chemical–mechanical coupling in battery active particles
GF Castelli, L von Kolzenberg, B Horstmann, A Latz, W Dörfler
Energy Technology 9 (6), 2000835, 2021
A four parameter model for the solid-electrolyte interphase to predict battery aging during operation
L von Kolzenberg, J Stadler, J Fath, M Ecker, B Horstmann, A Latz
Journal of Power Sources 539, 231560, 2022
Transition between growth of dense and porous films: theory of dual-layer SEI
L von Kolzenberg, M Werres, J Tetzloff, B Horstmann
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (31), 18469-18476, 2022
Prolonging lithium-ion battery lifetime: How operating conditions affect solid electrolyte interphase growth
L von Kolzenberg
Universität Ulm, 2023
Cover Feature: Chemo‐Mechanical Model of SEI Growth on Silicon Electrode Particles (Batteries & Supercaps 2/2022)
L von Kolzenberg, A Latz, B Horstmann
Batteries & Supercaps 5 (2), e202200006, 2022
Impact of structure and chemo–mechanical coupling on degradation in Lithium-Ion batteries
A Latz, L von Kolzenberg, L Bolay, I Traskunov, B Horstmann
Physics-based models for SEI on graphite and silicon electrodes: How can machine learning help?
B Horstmann, L von Kolzenberg, L Köbbing
Modelling and Simulation of Interface Degradation Processes in LIB Anodes
N Rigos, L von Kolzenberg, S Hein, B Horstmann, T Danner, A Latz
Dynamical Phase Transitions on the Surface of Negative Electrodes
B Horstmann, MA Werres, L von Kolzenberg, A Latz
How Does the Solid-Electrolyte Interphase Grow? Transport Mechanisms, Mechanics and Interfaces
L Köbbing, L von Kolzenberg, A Latz, B Horstmann
Dependence of SEI Growth on State-of-Charge and Cycling Conditions
B Horstmann, L Köbbing, L von Kolzenberg, L Bolay, A Latz
Interplay of Degradation Phenomena during Fast Charging: Li plating and SEI Growth
N Rigos, L von Kolzenberg, S Hein, B Horstmann, T Danner, A Latz
Modelling SEI Growth and Function During Battery Operation
B Horstmann, L von Kolzenberg, L Köbbing, MA Werres, L Bolay, A Latz
rsc. li/pccp
G Xiang, J Huo, Z Liu, L von Kolzenberg, M Werres, J Tetzloff, ...
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 24, 18482, 2022
Towards a Physics-Based Battery Aging Prediction
L von Kolzenberg, J Stadler, J Fath, M Ecker, B Horstmann, A Latz
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2112.13671, 2021
Understanding Formation, Morphology and Function of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI)
A Latz, L von Kolzenberg, F Single, B Horstmann
SEI Growth on Graphite and Silicon Electrodes
L von Kolzenberg, F Single, A Latz, B Horstmann
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Articles 1–20