olivier le pape
olivier le pape
Other namesolivier lepape
DECOD, Institut Agro, France
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Global marine primary production constrains fisheries catches
E Chassot, S Bonhommeau, NK Dulvy, F Mélin, R Watson, D Gascuel, ...
Ecology letters 13 (4), 495-505, 2010
Anthropogenic disturbance on nursery function of estuarine areas for marine species
A Courrat, J Lobry, D Nicolas, P Laffargue, R Amara, M Lepage, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 81 (2), 179-190, 2009
Quantitative description of habitat suitability for the juvenile common sole (Solea solea, L.) in the Bay of Biscay (France) and the contribution of different habitats to the …
O Le Pape, F Chauvet, S Mahévas, P Lazure, D Guérault, Y Désaunay
Journal of Sea Research 50 (2-3), 139-149, 2003
Effect of nursery habitat degradation on flatfish population: Application to Solea solea in the Eastern Channel (Western Europe)
S Rochette, E Rivot, J Morin, S Mackinson, P Riou, O Le Pape
Journal of sea Research 64 (1-2), 34-44, 2010
Eating up the world’s food web and the human trophic level
S Bonhommeau, L Dubroca, O Le Pape, J Barde, DM Kaplan, E Chassot, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (51), 20617-20620, 2013
Impact of climate on eel populations of the Northern Hemisphere
S Bonhommeau, E Chassot, B Planque, E Rivot, AH Knap, O Le Pape
Marine Ecology Progress Series 373, 71-80, 2008
The food limitation hypothesis for juvenile marine fish
O Le Pape, S Bonhommeau
Fish and Fisheries 16 (3), 373-398, 2015
Development of a fish-based index to assess the ecological quality of transitional waters: the case of French estuaries
C Delpech, A Courrat, S Pasquaud, J Lobry, O Le Pape, D Nicolas, P Boët, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 60 (6), 908-918, 2010
Are growth and density quantitative indicators of essential fish habitat quality? An application to the common sole Solea solea nursery grounds
C Gilliers, O Le Pape, Y Désaunay, J Morin, D Guérault, R Amara
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 69 (1-2), 96-106, 2006
Functional diversity in European estuaries: relating the composition of fish assemblages to the abiotic environment
D Nicolas, J Lobry, O Le Pape, P Boët
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88 (3), 329-338, 2010
Relationship between interannual variations of the river plume and the extent of nursery grounds for the common sole (Solea solea, L.) in Vilaine Bay. Effects on recruitment …
O Le Pape, F Chauvet, Y Désaunay, D Guérault
Journal of Sea Research 50 (2-3), 177-185, 2003
Bottom-up control regulates fisheries production at the scale of eco-regions in European seas
E Chassot, F Mélin, O Le Pape, D Gascuel
Marine Ecology Progress Series 343, 45-55, 2007
Combining indicator trends to assess ongoing changes in exploited fish communities: diagnostic of communities off the coasts of France
MJ Rochet, V Trenkel, R Bellail, F Coppin, O Le Pape, JC Mahé, J Morin, ...
ICES Journal of marine Science 62 (8), 1647-1664, 2005
Fish under influence: a macroecological analysis of relations between fish species richness and environmental gradients among European tidal estuaries
D Nicolas, J Lobry, M Lepage, B Sautour, O Le Pape, H Cabral, A Uriarte, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 86 (1), 137-147, 2010
Relative contributions of different sole and plaice nurseries to the adult population in the Eastern Channel: application of a combined method using generalized linear models …
P Riou, O Le Pape, SI Rogers
Aquatic living resources 14 (2), 125-135, 2001
Lower trophic levels and detrital biomass control the Bay of Biscay continental shelf food web: implications for ecosystem management
G Lassalle, J Lobry, F Le Loc’h, P Bustamante, G Certain, D Delmas, ...
Progress in Oceanography 91 (4), 561-575, 2011
Impacts of high-nitrate freshwater inputs on macrotidal ecosystems. I. Seasonal evolution of nutrient limitation for the diatom-dominated phytoplankton of the Bay of Brest (France)
Y Del Amo, O Le Pape, P Tréguer, B Quéguiner, A Ménesguen, A Aminot
Marine Ecology Progress Series 161, 213-224, 1997
Quality of coastal and estuarine essential fish habitats: estimations based on the size of juvenile common sole (Solea solea L.)
O Le Pape, J Holley, D Guérault, Y Désaunay
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 58 (4), 793-803, 2003
Resistance of a coastal ecosystem to increasing eutrophic conditions: the Bay of Brest (France), a semi-enclosed zone of Western Europe.
LE PAPE O., DEL AMO Y., M A., A A., Q B., T P.
Continental Shelf Research 16 (15), 1885-1907., 1996
The duration of migration of Atlantic Anguilla larvae
S Bonhommeau, M Castonguay, E Rivot, R Sabatié, O Le Pape
Fish and Fisheries 11 (3), 289-306, 2010
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Articles 1–20