Yuntong She
Yuntong She
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta
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Photovoltaic electricity generation loss due to snow–A literature review on influence factors, estimation, and mitigation
RE Pawluk, Y Chen, Y She
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 107, 171-182, 2019
Modeling ice jam release waves with consideration for ice effects
Y She, F Hicks
Cold Regions Science and Technology 45 (3), 137-147, 2006
A comprehensive public-domain river ice process model and its application to a complex natural river
J Blackburn, Y She
Cold regions science and technology 163, 44-58, 2019
Comparative testing of numerical models of river ice jams
R Carson, S Beltaos, J Groeneveld, D Healy, Y She, J Malenchak, ...
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 38 (6), 669-678, 2011
Athabasca River ice jam formation and release events in 2006 and 2007
Y She, R Andrishak, F Hicks, B Morse, E Stander, C Krath, D Keller, ...
Cold regions science and technology 55 (2), 249-261, 2009
Long-term variations of river ice breakup timing across Canada and its response to climate change
Y Chen, Y She
Cold Regions Science and Technology 176, 103091, 2020
Anchor ice formation and release in small regulated and unregulated streams
J Nafziger, Y She, F Hicks, RA Cunjak
Cold Regions Science and Technology 141, 66-77, 2017
Modified principal component analysis for identifying key environmental indicators and application to a large-scale tidal flat reclamation
K Chu, W Liu, Y She, Z Hua, M Tan, X Liu, L Gu, Y Jia
Water 10 (1), 69, 2018
The role of hydro-peaking in freeze-up consolidation events on regulated rivers
Y She, F Hicks, R Andrishak
Cold Regions Science and Technology 73, 41-49, 2012
Constitutive model for internal resistance of moving ice accumulations and Eulerian implementation for river ice jam formation
Y She, F Hicks, P Steffler, D Healy
Cold Regions Science and Technology 55 (3), 286-294, 2009
Celerities of waves and ice runs from ice jam releases
J Nafziger, Y She, F Hicks
Cold Regions Science and Technology 123, 71-80, 2016
Dynamic river ice processes in a river delta network
J Nafziger, Y She, F Hicks
Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2018
Real-time leak detection in oil pipelines using an Inverse Transient Analysis model
A Malekpour, Y She
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 70, 104411, 2021
Incorporating the effects of upstream ice jam releases in the prediction of flood levels in the Hay River delta, Canada
M De Coste, Y She, J Blackburn
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 44 (8), 643-651, 2017
Geobag stability for riverbank erosion protection structures: Physical model study
A Thompson, K Oberhagemann, Y She
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 48 (1), 110-119, 2020
Investigation into freezing point depression in stormwater ponds caused by road salt
Y She, J Kemp, L Richards, M Loewen
Cold Regions Science and Technology 131, 53-64, 2016
Incorporating ice effects in ice jam release surge models
Y She, F Hicks
Proceeding of 13th Workshop on River Ice, CGU-HS CRIPE, Hanover, NH, 470-484, 2005
Evaluation and uncertainty assessment of weather data and model calibration on daily streamflow simulation in a large-scale regulated and snow-dominated river basin
Y Chen, M Faramarzi, TY Gan, Y She
Journal of Hydrology 617, 129103, 2023
Five centuries of reconstructed streamflow in Athabasca River Basin, Canada: Non-stationarity and teleconnection to climate patterns
Y Wu, TY Gan, Y She, C Xu, H Yan
Science of The Total Environment 746, 141330, 2020
Laboratory measurements of the fall velocity of fine sediment in an estuarine environment
J Yang, L Tang, Y She, J Sun
International Journal of Sediment Research 35 (2), 217-226, 2020
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Articles 1–20