Bojan Jovanović
Bojan Jovanović
University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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Problems and solutions in logging of traffic accidencs location data
I Dadić, R Horvat, M Ševrović, B Jovanović
Road accidents prevention 2012 / Vujanić, Milan (ur.). Novi sad: Grid, Novi …, 0
Korištenje iRAP metodologije pri selektiranju prometnih nesreća uzrokovanih umorom vozača cestovnih vozila
D Sumpor, M Ševrović, S Tokić, B Jovanović
Sigurnost : časopis za sigurnost u radnoj i životnoj okolini 62 (3), 275-292, 2020
Planovi za podizanje razine siugnosti cestovnog prometa u sklopu redovnog održavanja cesta
G Radosović, M Ševrović, D Brčić, B Jovanović
Road Safety in Local Community / Lipovac, Krsto (ur.). Beograd …, 2016
Comparative Analysis of Deterministic Fundamental Diagrams Representative of Continuous and Interrupted Traffic Flow on Selected Regional Road in Croatia
B Jovanović, M Ševrović, G Luburić
Applied Sciences 14 (2), 25, 2024
Conceptual Model for Determining the Statistical Significance of Predictive Indicators for Bus Transit Demand Forecasting
B Jovanović, K Shabanaj, M Ševrović
Sustainability 15 (1), 749, 2022
Developing the Safer Road Investment Plan – Examples from selected Slavonian counties in Croatia
B Jovanović, M Ševrović, M Jakovljević, L Ljubotina
FERSI conference: Implementing evidence-based road safety measures, removing …, 2022
Primjena iRAP SRS metodološkog postupka za utvrđivanje utjecaja kritičnih čimbenika čovjek- vozilo-cesta na vjerojatnost događanja prometnih nesreća sa smrtno stradalim osobama …
B Jovanović, M Ševrović, I Krajnović
Proceedings of the VII International Symposium NEW HORIZONS 2019 of …, 2019
Analiza sigurnosti prometa na dionici državne ceste DC3:Delnice – čvor Orehovica
M Ševrović, B Jovanović, I Krajnović, J Vertlberg
CESTE 2019. - Zbornik radova Rovinj, Hrvatska, 306-317, 2019
Prikaz koncepta organizacije upravljanja i održavanja cestovne infrastrukture na prostoru Južne Hercegovine
G Luburić, Ž Šantić, B Jovanović
TEC - Traffic Engineering & Communications, Scientific Journal of Traffic …, 2019
Identified traffic safety risk levels comparative analysis on main roads in Croatia in 2007-2012 period
M Ševrović, B Jovanović, K Viduka
KoREMA - Automatizacija u prometu 2014 / Željko Šakić (ur.)., 37-40, 2014
Determination and Assessment of Traffic Corridors for the Transport of Dangerous Goods
G Luburić, B Radoš, B Jovanović
9th International Scientific Conference - POWA 2014 Sisak, 120-128, 2014
Tram electric grid influence on GPS reception
M Ševrović, M Miler, B Jovanović
7th GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions Conference Proceedings / Kos, Serdjo …, 2013
Measuring the pavement surface roughness using a smartphone devices
B Jovanović, M Ševrović, K Vidović, D Škaro
20th ITS World Congress Tokyo 2013 Proceedings Tokio, Japan: Intelligent …, 2013
Optimizacija prijevoza otpada na području Ličko- senjske županije
G Luburić, B Jovanović, A Perković
Zbornik radova / Šutić, Branislav (ur.). Gospić: Veleučilište Nikola Tesla …, 0
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