John M. O' Toole
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Cited by
Time-frequency processing of nonstationary signals: Advanced TFD design to aid diagnosis with highlights from medical applications
B Boashash, G Azemi, JM O'Toole
IEEE signal processing magazine 30 (6), 108-119, 2013
Measuring time-varying information flow in scalp EEG signals: orthogonalized partial directed coherence
A Omidvarnia, G Azemi, B Boashash, JM O’Toole, PB Colditz, ...
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 61 (3), 680-693, 2013
Electrographic seizures during the early postnatal period in preterm infants
RO Lloyd, JM O'Toole, E Pavlidis, PM Filan, GB Boylan
The Journal of pediatrics 187, 18-25. e2, 2017
Assessing instantaneous energy in the EEG: a non-negative, frequency-weighted energy operator
JM O'Toole, A Temko, N Stevenson
2014 36th Annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
Estimating functional brain maturity in very and extremely preterm neonates using automated analysis of the electroencephalogram
JM O’Toole, GB Boylan, S Vanhatalo, NJ Stevenson
Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (8), 2910-2918, 2016
Analysis of the time-varying cortical neural connectivity in the newborn EEG: A time-frequency approach
A Omidvarnia, M Mesbah, JM O'Toole, P Colditz, B Boashash
Systems, Signal Processing and their Applications (WOSSPA), 2011 7th …, 2011
NEURAL: quantitative features for newborn EEG using Matlab
JM O'Toole, GB Boylan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.05694, 2017
Fast and memory-efficient algorithms for computing quadratic time–frequency distributions
JMO Toole, B Boashash
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 35 (2), 350-358, 2013
Functional maturation in preterm infants measured by serial recording of cortical activity
NJ Stevenson, L Oberdorfer, N Koolen, JM O’Toole, T Werther, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 12969, 2017
A new discrete analytic signal for reducing aliasing in the discrete Wigner-Ville distribution
JM O'Toole, M Mesbah, B Boashash
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (11), 5427-5434, 2008
A discrete time and frequency Wigner-Ville distribution: properties and implementation
J O'Toole, M Mesbah, B Boashash
Proceedings International Symposium on DSP 2005, 2005
A nonparametric feature for neonatal EEG seizure detection based on a representation of pseudo-periodicity
NJ Stevenson, JM O’Toole, LJ Rankine, GB Boylan, B Boashash
Medical Engineering & Physics, 2011
Grading hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in neonatal EEG with convolutional neural networks and quadratic time–frequency distributions
SA Raurale, GB Boylan, SR Mathieson, WP Marnane, G Lightbody, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering 18 (4), 046007, 2021
Clamping the umbilical cord in premature deliveries (CUPiD): neuromonitoring in the immediate newborn period in a randomized, controlled trial of preterm infants born at< 32 …
D Finn, DH Ryan, A Pavel, JM O'Toole, V Livingstone, GB Boylan, ...
The Journal of Pediatrics 208, 121-126. e2, 2019
Kalman filter-based time-varying cortical connectivity analysis of newborn EEG
AH Omidvarnia, M Mesbah, MS Khlif, JM O'Toole, PB Colditz, B Boashash
2011 Annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and …, 2011
Quantitative preterm EEG analysis: the need for caution in using modern data science techniques
JM O'Toole, GB Boylan
Frontiers in pediatrics 7, 174, 2019
Temporal evolution of quantitative EEG within 3 days of birth in early preterm infants
JM O’Toole, E Pavlidis, I Korotchikova, GB Boylan, NJ Stevenson
Scientific reports 9 (1), 4859, 2019
Machine learning for the early prediction of infants with electrographic seizures in neonatal hypoxic‐ischemic encephalopathy
AM Pavel, JM O'Toole, J Proietti, V Livingstone, S Mitra, WP Marnane, ...
Epilepsia 64 (2), 456-468, 2023
Detecting bursts in the EEG of very and extremely premature infants using a multi-feature approach
JM O’Toole, GB Boylan, RO Lloyd, RM Goulding, S Vanhatalo, ...
Medical Engineering & Physics 45, 42-50, 2017
A randomized controlled trial of end-tidal carbon dioxide detection of preterm infants in the delivery room
GA Hawkes, D Finn, M Kenosi, V Livingstone, JM O'Toole, GB Boylan, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 182, 74-78. e2, 2017
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Articles 1–20