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A unifying view of climate change in the Sahel linking intra-seasonal, interannual and longer time scales
A Giannini, S Salack, T Lodoun, A Ali, AT Gaye, O Ndiaye
Environmental Research Letters 8 (2), 024010, 2013
Global warming induced hybrid rainy seasons in the Sahel
S Salack, C Klein, A Giannini, B Sarr, O Worou, N Belko, J Bliefernicht, ...
Environmental Research Letters 11(10):104008 · October 2016 11, 2016
Adapting to climate variability and change in smallholder farming communities: A case study from Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger
B Sarr, S Atta, M Ly, S Salack, T Ourback, S Subsol, DA George
Journal of agricultural extension and rural development 7 (1), 16-27, 2015
Rain-based factors of high agricultural impacts over Senegal. Part I: integration of local to sub-regional trends and variability
S Salack, B Muller, AT Gaye
Theoretical and applied climatology 106, 1-22, 2011
Projected changes in wind speed and wind energy potential over West Africa in CMIP6 models
AA Akinsanola, KO Ogunjobi, AT Abolude, S Salack
Environmental Research Letters 16 (4), 044033, 2021
Crop-climate ensemble scenarios to improve risk assessment and resilience in the semi-arid regions of West Africa
S Salack, B Sarr, SK Sangare, M Ly, IS Sanda, H Kunstmann
Climate Research 65, 107-121, 2015
Évolution des risques agroclimatiques associés aux tendances récentes du régime pluviométrique en Afrique de l’Ouest soudano-sahélienne
A Alhassane, S Salack, M Ly, I Lona, SB Traoré, B Sarr
Sécheresse 24 (4), 282-293, 2013
Oceanic influence on the sub-seasonal to interannual timing and frequency of extreme dry spells over the West African Sahel
S Salack, A Giannini, M Diakhaté, AT Gaye, B Muller
Climate dynamics 42, 189-201, 2014
Scales for rating heavy rainfall events in the West African Sahel
S Salack, IA Saley, NZ Lawson, I Zabré, EK Daku
Weather and climate extremes 21, 36-42, 2018
Physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of groundwater in a rural area of Western Niger: a case study of Bonkoukou
H Adamou, B Ibrahim, S Salack, R Adamou, S Sanfo, S Liersch
Journal of water and health 18 (1), 77-90, 2020
The WASCAL high-resolution regional climate simulation ensemble for West Africa: concept, dissemination, assessment.
H Heinzeller, D., Dieng, D., Smiatek, G., Olusegun, C., Klein, C., Hamann, I ...
Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss., 2017
Analyses multi-échelles des pauses pluviométriques au Niger et au Sénégal
S Salack, B Muller, AT Gaye, F Hourdin, N Cisse
Sécheresse 23 (1), 3-13, 2012
The possible role of the Sahel Greenbelt on the occurrence of climate extremes over the West African Sahel
IA Saley, S Salack, IS Sanda, MS Moussa, AL Bonkaney, M Ly, M Fodé
Atmospheric Science Letters 20 (8), e927, 2019
The WASCAL hydrometeorological observatory in the Sudan Savanna of Burkina Faso and Ghana
J Bliefernicht, S Berger, S Salack, S Guug, L Hingerl, D Heinzeller, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-20, 2018
The impact of rain events on CO2 emissions from contrasting land use systems in semi-arid West African savannas
S Berger, J Bliefernicht, A Linstädter, K Canak, S Guug, D Heinzeller, ...
Science of the Total Environment 647, 1478-1489, 2019
One simulation, different conclusions—the baseline period makes the difference!
S Liersch, M Drews, T Pilz, S Salack, D Sietz, V Aich, MAD Larsen, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (10), 104014, 2020
Quality and value of seasonal precipitation forecasts issued by the West African regional climate outlook forum
J Bliefernicht, M Waongo, S Salack, J Seidel, P Laux, H Kunstmann
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 58 (3), 621-642, 2019
Seasonal forecasting of the onset of the rainy season in West Africa
M Rauch, J Bliefernicht, P Laux, S Salack, M Waongo, H Kunstmann
Atmosphere 10 (9), 528, 2019
Représentation de la pluie dans les modèles régionaux de climat et application à l’estimation des rendements du mil au Sénégal
S Salack, B Sultan, P Oettli, B Muller, AT Gaye, F Hourdin
Science et changements planétaires/Sécheresse 23 (1), 14-23, 2012
Towards a historical precipitation database for West Africa: Overview, quality control and harmonization
J Bliefernicht, S Salack, M Waongo, T Annor, P Laux, H Kunstmann
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Articles 1–20