Tomoya Honda
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Cited by
A universal trade-off between growth and lag in fluctuating environments
M Basan*, T Honda*, D Christodoulou, M Hörl, YF Chang, E Leoncini, ...
Nature 584 (7821), 470-474, 2020
Chemotaxis as a navigation strategy to boost range expansion
J Cremer*, T Honda*, Y Tang, J Wong-Ng, M Vergassola, T Hwa
Nature 575 (7784), 658-663, 2019
Evolutionary consequence of a trade-off between growth and maintenance along with ribosomal damages
BW Ying, T Honda, S Tsuru, S Seno, H Matsuda, Y Kazuta, T Yomo
PLoS One 10 (8), e0135639, 2015
Coordination of gene expression with cell size enables Escherichia coli to efficiently maintain motility across conditions
T Honda*, J Cremer*, L Mancini, Z Zhang, T Pilizota, T Hwa
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (37), e2110342119, 2022
CRAGE-RB-PI-seq enables transcriptional profiling of rhizobacteria during plant-root colonization
T Honda, S Yu, D Mai, L Baumgart, G Babnigg, Y Yoshikuni
bioRxiv, 2024.11. 19.624340, 2024
Growth of bacterial population in dynamic and spatially extended environments
T Honda
University of California, San Diego, 2018
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Articles 1–6