Lev Gelb
Lev Gelb
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Phase separation in confined systems
LD Gelb, KE Gubbins, R Radhakrishnan, M Sliwinska-Bartkowiak
Reports on Progress in Physics 62 (12), 1573, 1999
Pore size distributions in porous glasses: a computer simulation study
LD Gelb, KE Gubbins
Langmuir 15 (2), 305-308, 1999
Characterization of porous glasses: Simulation models, adsorption isotherms, and the Brunauer− Emmett− Teller analysis method
LD Gelb, KE Gubbins
Langmuir 14 (8), 2097-2111, 1998
Phase transitions in pores: experimental and simulation studies of melting and freezing
M Sliwinska-Bartkowiak, J Gras, R Sikorski, R Radhakrishnan, L Gelb, ...
Langmuir 15 (18), 6060-6069, 1999
6Bartkowiak, Rep
LD Gelb, KE Gubbins, R Radhakrishnan, M Sliwinska
Prog. Phys., 1573, 1999
Molecular dynamics simulations of the polymerization of aqueous silicic acid and analysis of the effects of concentration on silica polymorph distributions, growth mechanisms …
NZ Rao, LD Gelb
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (33), 12418-12428, 2004
The ins and outs of capillary condensation in cylindrical pores
LD Gelb
Molecular Physics 100 (13), 2049-2057, 2002
Monte Carlo simulations using sampling from an approximate potential
LD Gelb
The Journal of Chemical Physics 118 (17), 7747-7750, 2003
Extension of the Steele 10-4-3 potential for adsorption calculations in cylindrical, spherical, and other pore geometries
DW Siderius, LD Gelb
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (8), 2011
Location of phase equilibria by temperature-quench molecular dynamics simulations
LD Gelb, EA Müller
Fluid phase equilibria 203 (1-2), 1-14, 2002
Liquid-liquid phase separation in cylindrical pores: Quench molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations
LD Gelb, KE Gubbins
Physical review E 56 (3), 3185, 1997
Kinetics of liquid-liquid phase separation of a binary mixture in cylindrical pores
LD Gelb, KE Gubbins
Physical Review E 55 (2), R1290, 1997
Simulating silica aerogels with a coarse-grained flexible model and langevin dynamics
LD Gelb
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (43), 15792-15802, 2007
Predicting gas adsorption in complex microporous and mesoporous materials using a new density functional theory of finely discretized lattice fluids
DW Siderius, LD Gelb
Langmuir 25 (3), 1296-1299, 2009
Structure, thermodynamics, and solubility in tetromino fluids
BC Barnes, DW Siderius, LD Gelb
Langmuir 25 (12), 6702-6716, 2009
Pore size distribution of porous glasses: A test of the independent pore model
S Figueroa-Gerstenmaier, J Bonet Avalos, LD Gelb, KE Gubbins, LF Vega
Langmuir 19 (20), 8592-8604, 2003
Studies of binary liquid mixtures in cylindrical pores: phase separation, wetting and finite-size effects from Monte Carlo simulations
LD Gelb, KE Gubbins
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 244 (1-4), 112-123, 1997
Effects of atomic-force-microscope tip characteristics on measurement of solvation-force oscillations
LD Gelb, RM Lynden-Bell
Physical Review B 49 (3), 2058, 1994
A Monte Carlo simulation study of methane clathrate hydrates confined in slit-shaped pores
S Nath Chakraborty, LD Gelb
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116 (7), 2183-2197, 2012
Structural and transport properties of tertiary ammonium triflate ionic liquids: A molecular dynamics study
AT Nasrabadi, LD Gelb
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121 (8), 1908-1921, 2017
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