Articles with public access mandates - Mads HuuseLearn more
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Submarine volcanic mounds in the Pearl River mouth basin, northern South China Sea
F Zhao, S Wu, Q Sun, M Huuse, W Li, Z Wang
Marine Geology 355, 162-172, 2014
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
An introduction to seismic reflection data: Acquisition, processing and interpretation
DR Cox, AMW Newton, M Huuse
Regional geology and tectonics, 571-603, 2020
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Seismic geomorphology and evolution of the Melville Bugt trough mouth fan, northwest Greenland
AMW Newton, M Huuse, DR Cox, PC Knutz
Quaternary Science Reviews 255, 106798, 2021
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Carbonate platform or volcanic mound? Seismic characterization of a synrift buildup along the outer high of the Lüderitz Basin, Namibia
N Rochelle-Bates, G Calvès, M Huuse, S Schröder
AAPG Bulletin 108 (2), 261-292, 2024
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
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Prolonged post-rift magmatism on highly extended crust of divergent continental margins (Baiyun Sag, South China Sea)
F Zhao, TM Alves, S Wu, W Li, M Huuse, L Mi, Q Sun, B Ma
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 445, 79-91, 2016
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Salt on the move: Multi stage evolution of salt diapirs in the Netherlands North Sea
R Harding, M Huuse
Marine and Petroleum Geology 61, 39-55, 2015
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Extensive marine-terminating ice sheets in Europe from 2.5 million years ago
BR Rea, AMW Newton, RM Lamb, R Harding, GR Bigg, P Rose, ...
Science Advances 4 (6), eaar8327, 2018
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Eleven phases of Greenland Ice Sheet shelf-edge advance over the past 2.7 million years
PC Knutz, AMW Newton, JR Hopper, M Huuse, U Gregersen, E Sheldon, ...
Nature Geoscience 12 (5), 361-368, 2019
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Glacial geomorphology of the central Barents Sea: implications for the dynamic deglaciation of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet
AMW Newton, M Huuse
Marine Geology 387, 114-131, 2017
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
The early quaternary north sea basin
RM Lamb, R Harding, M Huuse, M Stewart, SH Brocklehurst
Journal of the Geological Society 175 (2), 275-290, 2018
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Late Eocene onset of the proto-Antarctic circumpolar current
S Sarkar, C Basak, M Frank, C Berndt, M Huuse, S Badhani, J Bialas
Scientific reports 9 (1), 10125, 2019
Mandates: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Ice stream reorganization and glacial retreat on the northwest Greenland shelf
AMW Newton, PC Knutz, M Huuse, P Gannon, SH Brocklehurst, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (15), 7826-7835, 2017
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Iceberg scours, pits, and pockmarks in the North Falkland Basin
CS Brown, AMW Newton, M Huuse, F Buckley
Marine Geology 386, 140-152, 2017
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
The stratigraphic evolution of onlap in siliciclastic deep-water systems: Autogenic modulation of allogenic signals
EL Soutter, IA Kane, A Fuhrmann, ZA Cumberpatch, M Huuse
Journal of Sedimentary Research 89 (10), 890-917, 2019
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Shallow gas and gas hydrate occurrences on the northwest Greenland shelf margin
DR Cox, M Huuse, AMW Newton, AD Sarkar, PC Knutz
Marine Geology 432, 106382, 2021
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Buried iceberg scours reveal reduced North Atlantic Current during the stage 12 deglacial
AMW Newton, M Huuse, SH Brocklehurst
Nature communications 7 (1), 10927, 2016
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Giant submarine landslide triggered by Paleocene mantle plume activity in the North Atlantic
EL Soutter, IA Kane, M Huuse
Geology 46 (6), 511-514, 2018
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Tunnel valley formation beneath deglaciating mid-latitude ice sheets: Observations and modelling
JD Kirkham, KA Hogan, RD Larter, NS Arnold, JC Ely, CD Clark, E Self, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 323, 107680, 2024
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council, European Commission
Tunnel valley infill and genesis revealed by high-resolution 3-D seismic data
JD Kirkham, KA Hogan, RD Larter, E Self, K Games, M Huuse, ...
Geology 49 (12), 1516-1520, 2021
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Slip sliding away: Enigma of large sandy blocks within a gas-bearing mass transport deposit, offshore northwestern Greenland
DR Cox, M Huuse, AMW Newton, P Gannon, J Clayburn
AAPG bulletin 104 (5), 1011-1043, 2020
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
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