Yi Shen
Cited by
Cited by
A remark on the restricted isometry property in orthogonal matching pursuit
Q Mo, Y Shen
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58 (6), 3654-3656, 2012
Sparse signals recovery from noisy measurements by orthogonal matching pursuit
Y Shen, S Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:1105.6177, 2011
New bounds for restricted isometry constants with coherent tight frames
J Lin, S Li, Y Shen
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (3), 611-621, 2012
Restricted p–isometry property and its application for nonconvex compressive sensing
Y Shen, S Li
Advances in computational mathematics 37 (3), 441-452, 2012
Stable recovery of analysis based approaches
Y Shen, B Han, E Braverman
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 39 (1), 161-172, 2015
Stability of the elastic net estimator
Y Shen, B Han, E Braverman
Journal of Complexity 32 (1), 20-39, 2016
Compressed data separation with redundant dictionaries
J Lin, S Li, Y Shen
IEEE transactions on information theory 59 (7), 4309-4315, 2013
Complex wavelets and framelets from pseudo splines
Y Shen, S Li, Q Mo
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 16 (6), 885-900, 2010
Removal of mixed Gaussian and impulse noise using directional tensor product complex tight framelets
Y Shen, B Han, E Braverman
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 54, 64-77, 2016
Image inpainting from partial noisy data by directional complex tight framelets
Y Shen, B Han, E Braverman
The ANZIAM Journal 58 (3-4), 247-255, 2017
One-bit compressive sensing with projected subgradient method under sparsity constraints
D Liu, S Li, Y Shen
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 65 (10), 6650-6663, 2019
Adaptive frame-based color image denoising
Y Shen, B Han, E Braverman
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 41 (1), 54-74, 2016
Curve skeleton extraction from 3D point clouds through hybrid feature point shifting and clustering
H Hu, Z Li, X Jin, Z Deng, M Chen, Y Shen
Computer graphics forum 39 (6), 111-132, 2020
Image inpainting using directional tensor product complex tight framelets
Y Shen, B Han, E Braverman
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.3234, 2014
The proximal alternating iterative hard thresholding method for l0 minimization, with complexity O (1/k)
F Yang, Y Shen, ZS Liu
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 311, 115-129, 2017
Wavelets and framelets from dual pseudo splines
Y Shen, S Li
Science China Mathematics 54, 1233-1242, 2011
Pseudo box splines
S Li, Y Shen
applied and computational harmonic analysis 26 (3), 344-356, 2009
A new proof of some polynomial inequalities related to pseudo-splines
Q Mo, Y Shen, S Li
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 23 (3), 415-418, 2007
Sparsity and incoherence in orthogonal matching pursuit
Y Shen, R Hu
Multidimensional systems and signal processing 30, 257-274, 2019
Cascade algorithm associated with Hölder continuous masks
Y Shen, S Li
Applied mathematics letters 22 (8), 1213-1216, 2009
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Articles 1–20