Daniel Luna
Daniel Luna
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Health Informatics in Developing Countries: Going beyond Pilot Practices to Sustainable Implementations: A Review of the Current Challenges
D Luna, A Almerares, JC Mayan, FGB de Quirós, C Otero
Healthcare Informatics Research 20 (1), 3-10, 2014
Sistemas de información en salud: integrando datos clínicos en diferentes escenarios y usuarios
F Plazzotta, D Luna, F González Bernaldo de Quirós
Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública 32 (2), 343-351, 2015
Factors associated with nonattendance at clinical medicine scheduled outpatient appointments in a university general hospital
D Giunta, A Briatore, A Baum, D Luna, G Waisman, FGB de Quiros
Patient preference and adherence 7, 1163, 2013
User-centered design improves the usability of drug-drug interaction alerts: Experimental comparison of interfaces
DR Luna, DAR Lede, CM Otero, MR Risk, FGB de Quirós
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 66, 204-213, 2017
Creation of a local interface terminology to SNOMED CT
A Lopez Osornio, D Luna, ML Gambarte, A Gomez, G Reynoso, ...
Medinfo 2007: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical …, 2007
Challenges and potential solutions for big data implementations in developing countries
DR Luna, JC Mayan, MJ García, AA Almerares, M Househ
Yearbook of medical informatics 23 (01), 36-41, 2014
Historia clínica electrónica
D Luna, E Soriano, FGB de Quirós
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Revista del Hospital Italiano 27 (2), 77-85, 2007
A practical approach to advanced terminology services in health information systems
ML Gambarte, A Lopez Osornio, M Martinez, G Reynoso, D Luna, ...
Medinfo 2007: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical …, 2007
Translation, implementation and evaluation of a medical informatics distance-learning course for Latin America
P Otero, W Hersh, D Luna, F Quirós
Methods of Information in Medicine 49, 310-315, 2010
Implementación de una Historia Clínica Electrónica Ambulatoria:" Proyecto ITALICA
D Luna, P Otero, A Gomez, M Martinez, S García Martí, M Schpilberg
6to Simposio de Informática en Salud-32 JAIIO, 2-5, 2003
Serious Games: A Concise Overview on What They Are and Their Potential Applications to Healthcare.
G Giunti, A Baum, D Giunta, F Plazzotta, S Benitez, A Gómez, D Luna, ...
Studies in health technology and informatics 216, 386, 2015
Terminology Services: Standard Terminologies to Control Health Vocabulary
FGB de Quirós, C Otero, D Luna
Yearbook of medical informatics 27 (01), 227-233, 2018
Barreras y facilitadores a la implementación de la telemedicina en las Américas
SG Saiso, MC Marti, VM Pascha, A Pacheco, D Luna, F Plazzotta, ...
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 45, 2021
User-centered design to develop clinical applications.
D Luna, M Quispe, Z Gonzalez, A Alemrares, M Risk, MG Aurelio, C Otero
User-centered design to develop clinical applications. Literature review.
D Luna, M Quispe, Z Gonzalez, A Alemrares, M Risk, AM Garcia, C Otero
Studies in health technology and informatics 216, 967, 2015
Accuracy of an electronic problem list from primary care providers and specialists
D Luna, M Franco, C Plaza, C Otero, S Wassermann, ML Gambarte, ...
Stud Health Technol Inform 192, 417-421, 2013
Creation and evaluation of a terminology server for the interactive coding of discharge summaries
H Navas, A Lopez Osornio, A Baum, A Gomez, D Luna, ...
Medinfo 2007: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical …, 2007
Causes of appointment attendance, nonattendance, and cancellation in outpatient consultations at a university hospital
A Briatore, EV Tarsetti, A Latorre, F Gonzalez Bernaldo de Quirós, D Luna, ...
The International journal of health planning and management, 2019
Face to Face Appointment vs. Telemedicine in First Time Appointment Orthopedic Oncology Patients: A Cost Analysis.
LA Aponte-Tinao, GL Farfalli, JI Albergo, F Plazzotta, J Sommer, D Luna
Studies in health technology and informatics 264, 512-515, 2019
Health Information Systems: Integrating clinical data in different scenarios and users
F Plazzotta, D Luna, F González Bernaldo de Quirós
Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública 32 (2), 343-351, 2015
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Articles 1–20