Pooja B. Vijayakumar
Pooja B. Vijayakumar
Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick
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Cited by
Leadership in the global context: Bibliometric and thematic patterns of an evolving field
PB Vijayakumar, MJ Morley, N Heraty, ME Mendenhall, JS Osland
Advances in global leadership, 31-72, 2018
Cross-cultural adjustment and expatriation motives among Indian expatriates
PB Vijayakumar, CJL Cunningham
Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research 4 (3 …, 2016
Impact of spousal work restrictions on expatriates' work life and overall life satisfaction
PB Vijayakumar, CJL Cunningham
International Journal of Psychology 55 (6), 959-963, 2020
Expatriates' identity salience, work stressors, and work–nonwork conflict: Moderating role of gender and marital status
PB Vijayakumar, CJL Cunningham
Thunderbird International Business Review 61 (2), 375-386, 2019
Work-life balance, identity salience and break taking behaviors in Indian expatriates. 2015, 83p
PB Vijayakumar
Dissertação (Master of Science: Psychology)-The University of Tennessee at …, 2015
An indentured servant: The impact of green card waiting time on the life of highly skilled Indian immigrants in the United States of America
PB Vijayakumar, CJL Cunningham
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 2019
Work-life balance, identity salience and break taking behaviors in Indian expatriates
PB Vijayakumar, CJL Cunningham
Work, Stress and Health Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2015
Impact of spousal work restrictions and number of dependents on expatriates’ work life and overall life satisfaction
PB Vijayakumar, CJL Cunningham
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 2018
Impact of critical mass on internal CSR: Moderating role of critical actor, position and culture
P Vijayakumar, MJ Morley, N Heraty
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 15958, 2021
Work-life balance, identity salience and break taking behaviors in Indian expatriates
P Bangalore Vijayakumar
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 2015
Piggybacking of UDP and TCP Packets
PB Vijayakumar
Wichita State University, College of Engineering, Department of Electrical …, 2011
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Articles 1–11