Honggang Wang
Honggang Wang
California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
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Optimal well placement under uncertainty using a retrospective optimization framework
H Wang, DE Ciaurri, LJ Durlofsky, A Cominelli
Spe Journal 17 (01), 112-121, 2012
Integer-ordered simulation optimization using R-SPLINE: Retrospective search with piecewise-linear interpolation and neighborhood enumeration
H Wang, R Pasupathy, BW Schmeiser
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 23 (3), 1-24, 2013
American Sign Language Recognition Using Multi-dimensional Hidden Markov Models.
H Wang, MC Leu, C Oz
Journal of Information Science and Engineering 22 (5), 1109-1123, 2006
Zigzag Search for Continuous Multiobjective Optimization
H Wang
Mixed integer simulation optimization for optimal hydraulic fracturing and production of shale gas fields
JC Li, B Gong, HG Wang
Engineering Optimization 48 (8), 1378-1400, 2016
Discrete stochastic optimization using linear interpolation
H Wang, BW Schmeiser
2008 Winter Simulation Conference, 502-508, 2008
Prevention and survivability for power distribution resilience: A multi-criteria renewables expansion model
H Wang, T Jin
IEEE Access 8, 88422-88433, 2020
Retrospective optimization of mixed-integer stochastic systems using dynamic simplex linear interpolation
H Wang
European Journal of Operational Research 217 (1), 141-148, 2012
Characterizing capsule-substrate adhesion in presence of osmosis
KK Liu, HG Wang, KT Wan, T Liu, Z Zhang
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 25 (4), 293-298, 2002
Optimization of maintenance planning for water distribution networks under random failures
H Wang, X Chen
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 142 (2), 04015063, 2016
Use of retrospective optimization for placement of oil wells under uncertainty
H Wang, DE Ciaurri, LJ Durlofsky
Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 1750-1757, 2010
Direct zigzag search for discrete multi-objective optimization
H Wang
Computers & Operations Research 61, 100-109, 2015
Multi-objective retrospective optimization using stochastic zigzag search
H Wang
European Journal of Operational Research 263 (3), 946-960, 2017
Recognition of American sign language gestures with a sensory glove
HG Wang, NN Sarawate, MC Leu
Japan USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Denver, CO, 102-109, 2004
Simulation optimization in security screening systems subject to budget and waiting time constraints
SC Tsai, H Chen, H Wang, ZG Zhang
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 68 (7), 920-936, 2021
On the choice of neighborhood sampling to build effective search operators for constrained MOPs
A Lara, L Uribe, S Alvarado, VA Sosa, H Wang, O Schütze
Memetic Computing 11, 155-173, 2019
Enhanced directed search: a continuation method for mixed-integer multi-objective optimization problems
H Wang, D Laredo, O Cuate, O Schütze
Annals of Operations Research 279, 343-365, 2019
Subspace dynamic‐simplex linear interpolation search for mixed‐integer black‐box optimization problems
H Wang
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 64 (4), 305-322, 2017
Hierarchical stochastic modeling and optimization for petroleum field development under geological uncertainty
H Wang, B Gong
Computers & Industrial Engineering 80, 23-32, 2015
Retrospective optimization of discrete stochastic systems using simplicial linear interpolation
H Wang
Purdue University, 2009
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Articles 1–20