Stefan Ninkovic
Stefan Ninkovic
Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
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Transformational school leadership and teacher self-efficacy as predictors of perceived collective teacher efficacy
SR Ninković, OČ Knežević Florić
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 46 (1), 49-64, 2018
Horizonti istraživanja u obrazovanju
O Florić, S Ninković
Novi Sad: Filozofski fakultet, 2012
Inkluzivno obrazovanje iz perspektive nastavnika–uloge, kompetencije i barijere
O Knežević-Florić, S Ninković, N Tančić
Nastava i vaspitanje 67 (1), 7-22, 2018
The effect of teacher trust in colleagues on collective teacher efficacy: Examining the mediating role of the characteristics of professional learning communities
S Ninković, OK Florić, D Đorđić
Teaching and teacher education 119, 103877, 2022
Serbian teachers’ perceptions of online assessment during COVID-19 school closure: The role of teachers’ self-efficacy
S Ninković, S Olić Ninković, T Lazarević, J Adamov
Educational Studies 50 (4), 467-479, 2024
Multilevel analysis of the effects of principal support and innovative school climate on the integration of technology in learning activities
S Ninković, OK Florić, M Momčilović
Computers & Education 202, 104833, 2023
Validation of the Serbian version of the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES)
S Ninković, O Knežević-Florić
Zbornik Instituta za pedagoska istrazivanja 50 (1), 72-92, 2018
Adaptation and empirical evaluation of the questionnaire on students’ motivation towards science learning
S Olić, S Ninković, J Adamov
psihologija 49 (1), 51-66, 2016
Transformational leadership and teachers’ use of differentiated instruction in Serbian schools: Investigating the mediating effects of teacher collaboration and self-efficacy
S Ninković, O Knežević-Florić, D Đorđić
Educational Studies 50 (6), 1353-1372, 2024
Samoefikasnost nastavnika: ishodi, izvori i merenje konstrukta
SR Ninković, OK Florić
Годишњак Филозофског факултета у Новом Саду 43 (1), 237-249, 2018
Vaspitni postupci roditelja iz ugla adolescenata
S Zuković, S Ninković, K Krstić
Psihološka istraživanja 18, 125-143, 2015
Inclusive education from the teacher's perspective: Roles, competences and barriers
FOČ Knežević, SR Ninković, ND Tančić
Nastava i vaspitanje 67 (1), 7-22, 2018
The contribution of sport to prosocial behavior in youth
O Knežević Florić, S Ninković
The New Educational Review 32, 141-150, 2013
Case study: school experience of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
O Knezevic-Floric, S Zukovic, S Ninkovic
Healthmed 6 (10), 3482-3487, 2012
Izazovi socijalnopedagoške delatnosti u školi [The challenges for the future of social-pedagogical activity in school]
S Ninković
Pedagoška stvarnost 57 (5-6), 528-538, 2011
School leadership and teaching practice: A systematic review of studies of the indirect effects
S Ninković, O Knežević Florić
Journal of Educational Administration 62 (4), 357-372, 2024
Karakteristike savremenih modela liderstva u obrazovanju
S Ninković
Zbornik Odseka za pedagogiju, 93-108, 2017
Savetovanje nasilnih i viktimiziranih učenika
S Ninković
Pedagogija 65 (3), 428-435, 2010
i Kovačević, M.(2013). Naučna pismenost odraslih u Vojvodini
J Adamov, S Olić, M Segedinac, S Ninković
Andragoške studije 23 (1), 23-36, 0
Peer pressure and academic achievement as predictors of adolescent risk behaviors
OK Florić, A Pavlović, S Ninković
Teme, 1123-1135, 2021
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Articles 1–20