Khalil I Elkhodary
Cited by
Cited by
Nonlinear finite elements for continua and structures
T Belytschko, WK Liu, B Moran, K Elkhodary
John wiley & sons, 2014
The Sandia Fracture Challenge: blind round robin predictions of ductile tearing
BL Boyce, SLB Kramer, HE Fang, TE Cordova, MK Neilsen, K Dion, ...
International Journal of Fracture 186, 5-68, 2014
The second Sandia Fracture Challenge: predictions of ductile failure under quasi-static and moderate-rate dynamic loading
BL Boyce, SLB Kramer, TR Bosiljevac, E Corona, JA Moore, K Elkhodary, ...
International Journal of Fracture 198, 5-100, 2016
Handbook of micromechanics and nanomechanics
S Li, XL Gao
Pan Stanford, 2019
Mechanistically informed data-driven modeling of cyclic plasticity via artificial neural networks
D Liu, H Yang, KI Elkhodary, S Tang, WK Liu, X Guo
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 393, 114766, 2022
Integrated experimental, atomistic, and microstructurally based finite element investigation of the dynamic compressive behavior of 2139 aluminum
K Elkhodary, L Sun, DL Irving, DW Brenner, G Ravichandran, MA Zikry
A fracture criterion for finitely deforming crystalline solids—the dynamic fracture of single crystals
KI Elkhodary, MA Zikry
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59 (10), 2007-2022, 2011
Dislocation structure and dynamics govern pop-in modes of nanoindentation on single-crystal metals
N Zhou, KI Elkhodary, X Huang, S Tang, Y Li
Philosophical Magazine 100 (12), 1585-1606, 2020
Deformation mechanisms of an Ω precipitate in a high-strength aluminum alloy subjected to high strain rates
K Elkhodary, W Lee, LP Sun, DW Brenner, MA Zikry
Journal of Materials Research 26 (4), 487-497, 2011
Multiscale simulations and mechanics of biological materials
S Li, D Qian
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Archetype-blending continuum theory
KI Elkhodary, MS Greene, S Tang, T Belytschko, WK Liu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 254, 309-333, 2013
Patient-specific finite element analysis of heart failure and the impact of surgical intervention in pulmonary hypertension secondary to mitral valve disease
A Heidari, KI Elkhodary, C Pop, M Badran, H Vali, YMA Abdel-Raouf, ...
Medical & biological engineering & computing 60 (6), 1723-1744, 2022
Equal channel angular pressing of canned 2124-Al compacts: processing, experiments, and modeling
KI Elkhodary, HG Salem, MA Zikry
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 39, 2184-2192, 2008
Modeling orthotropic elasticity, localized plasticity and fracture in trabecular bone
DT O’Connor, KI Elkhodary, Y Fouad, MS Greene, FA Sabet, J Qian, ...
Computational Mechanics 58, 423-439, 2016
A semi-numerical algorithm for instability of compressible multilayered structures
S Tang, Y Yang, XH Peng, WK Liu, XX Huang, K Elkhodary
Computational Mechanics 56, 63-75, 2015
Mixed Graph-FEM phase field modeling of fracture in plates and shells with nonlinearly elastic solids
G Zhang, TF Guo, KI Elkhodary, S Tang, X Guo
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 389, 114282, 2022
Dynamic crack nucleation, propagation, and interactions with crystalline secondary phases in aluminum alloys subjected to large deformations
KI Elkhodary, MA Zikry
Philosophical Magazine 92 (32), 3920-3949, 2012
A data-driven approach for modeling tension–compression asymmetric material behavior: numerical simulation and experiment
H Qiu, H Yang, KI Elkhodary, S Tang, X Guo, J Huang
Computational Mechanics, 1-15, 2021
A mechanistic-based data-driven approach to accelerate structural topology optimization through finite element convolutional neural network (FE-CNN)
T Yue, H Yang, Z Du, C Liu, KI Elkhodary, S Tang, X Guo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.13652, 2021
Resolving the diffusionless transformation process of twinning in single crystal plasticity theory
C Huang, KI Elkhodary, S Tang
International Journal of Plasticity 120, 220-247, 2019
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Articles 1–20