Ashwin Ian D'Souza
Ashwin Ian D'Souza
Postdoctoral fellow, The Hospital for Sick Children
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Cited by
Vesicles driven by dynein and kinesin exhibit directional reversals without regulators
AI D’Souza, R Grover, GA Monzon, L Santen, S Diez
Nature communications 14 (1), 7532, 2023
Coin tossing explains the activity of opposing microtubule motors on phagosomes
P Sanghavi, A D’Souza, A Rai, A Rai, R Padinhatheeri, R Mallik
Current Biology 28 (9), 1460-1466. e4, 2018
Stable tug-of-war between kinesin-1 and cytoplasmic dynein upon different ATP and roadblock concentrations
GA Monzon, L Scharrel, A DSouza, V Henrichs, L Santen, S Diez
Journal of cell science 133 (22), jcs249938, 2020
Isolation of latex bead phagosomes from dictyostelium for in vitro functional assays
A D’Souza, P Sanghavi, A Rai, D Pathak, R Mallik
Bio-protocol 6 (23), e2056-e2056, 2016
The impact of sex, body mass index, age, exercise type and exercise duration on interstitial glucose levels during exercise
NC D’Souza, D Kesibi, C Yeung, D Shakeri, AI D’Souza, AK Macpherson, ...
Sensors 23 (22), 9059, 2023
Vesicles driven by kinesin and dynein in vitro engage in a tug-of-war which can be biased by maps
AI DSouza, R Grover, S Diez
Biophysical Journal 121 (3), 164a, 2022
Publisher Correction: Vesicles driven by dynein and kinesin exhibit directional reversals without regulators
AI D’Souza, R Grover, GA Monzon, L Santen, S Diez
nature communications 15 (1), 736, 2024
Bidirectional transport of vesicles by dynein and kinesin
AI D'Souza
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Articles 1–8