Leemore Dafny
Leemore Dafny
Bruce V. Rauner Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy
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How Do Hospitals Respond to Price Changes?
L Dafny
American Economic Review 100 (4), 1399-1431, 2005
Paying a premium on your premium? Consolidation in the US health insurance industry
L Dafny, M Duggan, S Ramanarayanan
American Economic Review 102 (2), 1161-1185, 2012
Estimation and identification of merger effects: An application to hospital mergers
L Dafny
The Journal of Law and Economics 52 (3), 523-550, 2009
Changes in quality of care after hospital mergers and acquisitions
ND Beaulieu, LS Dafny, BE Landon, JB Dalton, I Kuye, JM McWilliams
New England Journal of Medicine 382 (1), 51-59, 2020
Are health insurance markets competitive?
LS Dafny
American Economic Review 100 (4), 1399-1431, 2010
Do report cards tell consumers anything they don't already know? The case of Medicare HMOs
L Dafny, D Dranove
The Rand journal of economics 39 (3), 790-821, 2008
Public insurance and child hospitalizations: access and efficiency effects
L Dafny, J Gruber
Journal of public Economics 89 (1), 109-129, 2005
The price effects of cross‐market mergers: theory and evidence from the hospital industry
L Dafny, K Ho, RS Lee
The RAND Journal of Economics 50 (2), 286-325, 2019
More insurers lower premiums: Evidence from initial pricing in the health insurance marketplaces
L Dafny, J Gruber, C Ody
American Journal of Health Economics 1 (1), 53-81, 2015
Hospital industry consolidation—still more to come?
L Dafny
New England Journal of Medicine 370 (3), 198-199, 2014
Games hospitals play: Entry deterrence in hospital procedure markets
LS Dafny
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 14 (3), 513-542, 2005
Decreases in readmissions credited to Medicare’s program to reduce hospital readmissions have been overstated
C Ody, L Msall, LS Dafny, DC Grabowski, DM Cutler
Health Affairs 38 (1), 36-43, 2019
The impact of tort reform on employer-sponsored health insurance premiums
R Avraham, LS Dafny, MM Schanzenbach
The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 28 (4), 657-686, 2012
When Discounts Raise Costs: the Effect of Copay Coupons on Generic Utilization
L Dafny, C Ody, M Schmitt
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 9 (2), 91-123, 2017
Narrow networks on the health insurance marketplaces: prevalence, pricing, and the cost of network breadth
LS Dafny, I Hendel, V Marone, C Ody
Health Affairs 36 (9), 1606-1614, 2017
Designing transparency systems for medical care prices
DM Cutler, L Dafny
New England Journal of Medicine, 2011
Let them have choice: Gains from shifting away from employer-sponsored health insurance and toward an individual exchange
L Dafny, K Ho, M Varela
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 5 (1), 32-58, 2013
The price effects of cross-market hospital mergers
L Dafny, K Ho, RS Lee
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2016
The good merger
LS Dafny, TH Lee
New England Journal of Medicine 372 (22), 2077-2079, 2015
Regulatory exploitation and management changes: Upcoding in the hospital industry
L Dafny, D Dranove
The Journal of Law and Economics 52 (2), 223-250, 2009
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Articles 1–20