Lauren Fleming
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Cited by
Comprehensive molecular characterization of atmospheric brown carbon by high resolution mass spectrometry with electrospray and atmospheric pressure photoionization
P Lin, LT Fleming, SA Nizkorodov, J Laskin, A Laskin
Analytical chemistry 90 (21), 12493-12502, 2018
Molecular composition and photochemical lifetimes of brown carbon chromophores in biomass burning organic aerosol
LT Fleming, P Lin, JM Roberts, V Selimovic, R Yokelson, J Laskin, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (2), 1105-1129, 2020
Molecular composition of particulate matter emissions from dung and brushwood burning household cookstoves in Haryana, India
LT Fleming, P Lin, A Laskin, J Laskin, R Weltman, RD Edwards, NK Arora, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (4), 2461-2480, 2018
Characterization, sources and reactivity of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Seoul and surrounding regions during KORUS-AQ
IJ Simpson, DR Blake, NJ Blake, S Meinardi, B Barletta, SC Hughes, ...
Elem Sci Anth 8, 37, 2020
Formation of light-absorbing organosulfates during evaporation of secondary organic material extracts in the presence of sulfuric acid
LT Fleming, NN Ali, SL Blair, M Roveretto, C George, SA Nizkorodov
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 3 (6), 947-957, 2019
Emissions from village cookstoves in Haryana, India, and their potential impacts on air quality
LT Fleming, R Weltman, A Yadav, RD Edwards, NK Arora, A Pillarisetti, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (20), 15169-15182, 2018
Impacts of household sources on air pollution at village and regional scales in India
B Rooney, R Zhao, Y Wang, KH Bates, A Pillarisetti, S Sharma, S Kundu, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19 (11), 7719-7742, 2019
Extensive field evidence for the release of HONO from the photolysis of nitrate aerosols
ST Andersen, LJ Carpenter, C Reed, JD Lee, R Chance, T Sherwen, ...
Science Advances 9 (3), eadd6266, 2023
Dust-catalyzed oxidative polymerization of catechol and its impacts on ice nucleation efficiency and optical properties
N Link, N Removski, J Yun, LT Fleming, SA Nizkorodov, AK Bertram, ...
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 4 (7), 1127-1139, 2020
Secondary organic aerosol from atmospheric photooxidation of indole
J Montoya-Aguilera, JR Horne, ML Hinks, LT Fleming, V Perraud, P Lin, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (18), 11605-11621, 2017
Effect of aromatic ring substituents on the ability of catechol to produce brown carbon in iron (III)-catalyzed reactions
H Chin, KS Hopstock, LT Fleming, SA Nizkorodov, HA Al-Abadleh
Environmental Science: Atmospheres 1 (2), 64-78, 2021
Molecular characterization of atmospheric brown carbon
A Laskin, P Lin, J Laskin, LT Fleming, S Nizkorodov
Multiphase environmental chemistry in the atmosphere, 261-274, 2018
Production of HONO from NO2 uptake on illuminated TiO2 aerosol particles and following the illumination of mixed TiO2∕ammonium nitrate particles
JE Dyson, GA Boustead, LT Fleming, M Blitz, D Stone, SR Arnold, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (7), 5755-5775, 2021
Emissions measurements from household solid fuel use in Haryana, India: Implications for climate and health co-benefits
RM Weltman, RD Edwards, LT Fleming, A Yadav, CL Weyant, B Rooney, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (5), 3201-3209, 2021
Light absorption and scattering properties of indole secondary organic aerosol prepared under various oxidant and relative humidity conditions
VJ Baboomian, Q He, J Montoya-Aguilera, N Ali, LT Fleming, P Lin, ...
Aerosol science and technology 57 (6), 532-545, 2023
Molecular composition, optical properties, and chemical aging of primary and secondary organic aerosol
LT Fleming
University of California, Irvine, 2019
Production of Nitrous Acid from Nitrogen Dioxide Uptake on Illuminated Aerosol Surfaces
L Fleming, G Boustead, J Dyson, MA Blitz, H Song, B Silver, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, A218-0001, 2020
Photo-Induced Heterogeneous Chemistry of Reactive Species on Aerosol Surfaces: Using Photo-Fragmentation Laser Induced Fluorescence for the Measurement of Nitrous Acid …
J Dyson, G Boustead, L Fleming, M Blitz, D Stone, S Arnold, L Whalley, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2369, 2020
Supplement of Molecular composition and photochemical lifetimes of brown carbon chromophores in biomass burning organic aerosol
LT Fleming
Characterization of secondary organic aerosol formation by aqueous reactions of iron (III) with biomass burning volatile organic compounds
H Chin, S Nizkorodov, L Fleming, H Al-Abadleh
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Articles 1–20