Rhodel Bengtsson
Rhodel Bengtsson
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Cited by
Combined catalysis for engineering bioinspired, lignin-based, long-lasting, adhesive, self-mending, antimicrobial hydrogels
S Afewerki, X Wang, GU Ruiz-Esparza, CW Tai, X Kong, S Zhou, K Welch, ...
Acs Nano 14 (12), 17004-17017, 2020
An applicable orthotropic creep model for wood materials and composites
R Bengtsson, R Afshar, EK Gamstedt
Wood Science and Technology 56 (6), 1585-1604, 2022
Second-order homogenization of 3-D lattice materials towards strain gradient media: numerical modelling and experimental verification
D Molavitabrizi, S Khakalo, R Bengtsson, SM Mousavi
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 35 (6), 2255-2274, 2023
Damage-induced failure analysis of additively manufactured lattice materials under uniaxial and multiaxial tension
D Molavitabrizi, R Bengtsson, C Botero, LE Rännar, SM Mousavi
International Journal of Solids and Structures 252, 111783, 2022
Viscoelastic behaviour of softwood based on a multiscale computational homogenization
R Bengtsson, M Mousavi, R Afshar, EK Gamstedt
Mechanics of Materials, 2023
Evaluating the viscoelastic shear properties of clear wood via off-axis compression testing and digital-image correlation
R Bengtsson, L Bergeron, R Afshar, M Mousavi, EK Gamstedt
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 28 (4), 2069-2083, 2024
A basic orthotropic viscoelastic model for composite and wood materials considering available experimental data and time-dependent Poisson’s ratios
R Bengtsson, R Afshar, EK Gamstedt
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 942 (1), 012021, 2020
Creep aspects of softwood from the cell-wall level to structures
R Bengtsson
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2023
Material aspects of wooden towers for offshore wind turbines
EK Gamstedt, R Bengtsson, S Florisson, H Bernhoff
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1293 (1), 012031, 2023
Comparison of measured creep in a wooden beam with finite element predictions based on orthotropic viscoelastic material model
R Bengtsson, S Florisson, R Afshar, M Mousavi, J Van Blokland, ...
Feasiblity of wooden towers for offshore wind turbines: Creep and fatigue predictions
R Bengtsson, K Gamstedt, S Florisson, H Bernhoff
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