Christian Herzog
Christian Herzog
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Cited by
Dimensions: building context for search and evaluation
DW Hook, SJ Porter, C Herzog
Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 3, 23, 2018
Dimensions: Bringing down barriers between scientometricians and data
C Herzog, D Hook, S Konkiel
Quantitative science studies 1 (1), 387-395, 2020
A guide to the Dimensions data approach
C Bode, C Herzog, D Hook, R McGrath
Dimensions Report. Cambridge, MA: Digital Science, 2018
Real-time bibliometrics: dimensions as a resource for analyzing aspects of COVID-19
DW Hook, SJ Porter, H Draux, CT Herzog
Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 5, 595299, 2021
Response to the letter ‘Field classification of publications in Dimensions: a first case study testing its reliability and validity’
C Herzog, BK Lunn
Scientometrics 117, 641-645, 2018
Dimensions: Bringing down barriers between scientometricians and data. Quantitative Science Studies, 1 (1), 387–395
C Herzog, D Hook, S Konkiel
Dimensions: building context for search and evaluation. Front Res Metr Anal 3: 23
DW Hook, SJ Porter, C Herzog
Forward-looking analysis based on grants data and machine learning based research classifications as an analytical tool
C Herzog, A Sorensen, M Taylor
Retrieved May 9, 2018, 2016
Reproducibility or producibility? Metrics and their masters
C Herzog, D Hook, E Adie
STI 2018 conference proceedings (Leiden, Netherlands: Centre for Science and …, 2018
A guide to the dimensions data approach. Digital science
C Bode, C Herzog, D Hook, R McGrath
January, 2018
Prozessmanagement in der Integrierten Versorgung–Grundlagen und Tipps zur Bewältigung der Herausforderungen im Bereich Koordination und Kooperation
C Herzog, O Koch
Hellmann, W.: Handbuch Integrierte Versorgung-Loseblattwerk, Landsberg, 2005
ORCID for funders: Who’s who - and what are they doing? - ORCID IDs as identifiers for researchers and flexible article based …
C Herzog, G Radford
F1000Research 4, 122, 2015
SyynX solutions: practical knowledge management in a medical environment
C Herzog, G Liuzzi, M Diwersy
Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2005
Science funding and science policy: Big data as a tool for supporting the research funding process
C Herzog
Information services & use 34 (3-4), 201-207, 2014
Prozesssteuerung in der integrierten Versorgung
O Koch, C Herzog
Visual Funding Portfolios
M Stefaner, M Diwersy, C Herzog
Atlas of Forecasts: Modeling and Mapping Desirable Futures, 160, 2021
The Price of Gold: Curiosity?
DW Hook, M Hahnel, C Herzog
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.00880, 2019
Arctic Research Publications: Scholarly Output Trends Using the Russian Index of Scientific Citations. A Working Paper
L Kullerud, OV Moskaleva, IA Osipov, G Eremenko, DB Hirshberg, ...
Grid-Arendal, 2016
Semantic-Web-Technologien zur Unterstützung des Zugriffs auf medizinischen Informationen
H Stuckenschmidt, C Herzog
dpunkt, 2006
www. expert-reviews. com 509
I Arita, M Bachmann, P Barnett, E Barry, E Boedeker, L Bourgeois, ...
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Articles 1–20