Articles with public access mandates - erdinc yigitbasLearn more
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Biostratigraphy of the Paratethyan Neogene at Yalova (Izmit-Province, NW-Turkey)
N Rückert-Ülkümen, T Kowalke, R Matzke-Karasz, W Witt, E Yiğitbaş
Newsletters on Stratigraphy 42 (1), 43-68, 2006
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Biga Yarımadası’nda Sakarya zonunun prekambriyen metamorfik kayaları; Geç ediyakaran gondwanaland aktif kıta kenarı
E Yiğitbaş, İO Tunç
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 63 (3), 277-302, 2020
Mandates: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
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