Miquel Pericàs
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Cited by
Trends in data locality abstractions for HPC systems
D Unat, A Dubey, T Hoefler, J Shalf, M Abraham, M Bianco, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (10), 3007-3020, 2017
Assessing accelerator-based HPC reverse time migration
M Araya-Polo, J Cabezas, M Hanzich, M Pericas, F Rubio, I Gelado, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 22 (1), 147-162, 2010
Kilo-instruction processors: Overcoming the memory wall
A Cristal, OJ Santana, F Cazorla, M Galluzzi, T Ramirez, M Pericas, ...
IEEE micro 25 (3), 48-57, 2005
A flexible heterogeneous multi-core architecture
M Pericas, A Cristal, FJ Cazorla, R Gonzalez, DA Jimenez, M Valero
16th International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation …, 2007
A decoupled kilo-instruction processor
M Pericas, A Cristal, R González, DA Jiménez, M Valero
The Twelfth International Symposium on High-Performance Computer …, 2006
PPMC: a programmable pattern based memory controller
T Hussain, M Shafiq, M Pericas, N Navarro, E Ayguadé
Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications: 8th …, 2012
DAGViz: A DAG visualization tool for analyzing task-parallel program traces
A Huynh, D Thain, M Pericàs, K Taura
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Visual Performance Analysis, 1-8, 2015
Exploiting memory customization in FPGA for 3D stencil computations
M Shafiq, M Pericas, R De la Cruz, M Araya-Polo, N Navarro, E Ayguadé
2009 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, 38-45, 2009
Programming abstractions for data locality
A Tate, A Kamil, A Dubey, A Groblinger, B Chamberlain, B Goglin, ...
Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), 2014
RADAR: Runtime-assisted dead region management for last-level caches
M Manivannan, V Papaefstathiou, M Pericas, P Stenstrom
2016 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture …, 2016
Reconfigurable memory controller with programmable pattern support
T Hussain, M Pericas, E Ayguadé
HiPEAC Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing 25, 67, 2011
Fork-join and data-driven execution models on multi-core architectures: Case study of the FMM
A Amer, N Maruyama, M Pericàs, K Taura, R Yokota, S Matsuoka
Supercomputing: 28th International Supercomputing Conference, ISC 2013 …, 2013
Implementation of a reverse time migration kernel using the hce high level synthesis tool
T Hussain, M Pericas, N Navarro, E Ayguadé
2011 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, 1-8, 2011
Software-managed power reduction in infiniband links
B Dickov, M Pericas, P Carpenter, N Navarro, E Ayguadé
2014 43rd International Conference on Parallel Processing, 311-320, 2014
A two-level load/store queue based on execution locality
M Pericas, A Cristal, FJ Cazorla, R González, A Veidenbaum, DA Jiménez, ...
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 36 (3), 25-36, 2008
Ppmc: Hardware scheduling and memory management support for multi accelerators
T Hussain, M Pericas, N Navarro, E Ayguade
22nd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications …, 2012
Elastic places: An adaptive resource manager for scalable and portable performance
M Pericàs
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 15 (2), 1-26, 2018
An asymmetric clustered processor based on value content
R González, A Cristal, M Pericas, M Valero, A Veidenbaum
Proceedings of the 19th annual international conference on Supercomputing, 61-70, 2005
ERASE: Energy efficient task mapping and resource management for work stealing runtimes
J Chen, M Manivannan, M Abduljabbar, M Pericàs
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 19 (2), 1-29, 2022
Coordinated management of DVFS and cache partitioning under QoS constraints to save energy in multi-core systems
M Nejat, M Manivannan, M Pericàs, P Stenström
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 144, 246-259, 2020
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Articles 1–20