Vladimir A. Alexeev
Vladimir A. Alexeev
Research Professor, International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks
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Earth system models of intermediate complexity: closing the gap in the spectrum of climate system models
M Claussen, L Mysak, A Weaver, M Crucifix, T Fichefet, MF Loutre, ...
Climate Dynamics 18 (7), 579-586, 2002
Role of polar amplification in long-term surface air temperature variations and modern Arctic warming
RV Bekryaev, IV Polyakov, VA Alexeev
Journal of Climate 23 (14), 3888-3906, 2010
Arctic warming, increasing snow cover and widespread boreal winter cooling
JL Cohen, JC Furtado, MA Barlow, VA Alexeev, JE Cherry
Environmental Research Letters 7, 014007, 2012
Arctic Ocean warming contributes to reduced polar ice cap
IV Polyakov, LA Timokhov, VA Alexeev, S Bacon, IA Dmitrenko, L Fortier, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2010
Cloud feedback in atmospheric general circulation models: An update
RD Cess, MH Zhang, WJ Ingram, GL Potter, V Alekseev, HW Barker, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (D8), 12791-12,794, 1996
Polar amplification of surface warming on an aquaplanet in “ghost forcing” experiments without sea ice feedbacks
VA Alexeev, PL Langen, JR Bates
Climate Dynamics 24 (7), 655-666, 2005
Asymmetric seasonal temperature trends
JL Cohen, JC Furtado, M Barlow, VA Alexeev, JE Cherry
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (4), L04705, 2012
Improved modeling of permafrost dynamics in a GCM land-surface scheme
DJ Nicolsky, VE Romanovsky, VA Alexeev, DM Lawrence
Geophysical research letters 34 (8), L08501, 2007
Arctic Ocean freshwater changes over the past 100 years and their causes
IV Polyakov, VA Alexeev, GI Belchansky, IA Dmitrenko, VV Ivanov, ...
Journal of Climate 21 (2), 364-384, 2008
An evaluation of deep soil configurations in the CLM3 for improved representation of permafrost
VA Alexeev, DJ Nicolsky, VE Romanovsky, DM Lawrence
Geophysical research letters 34 (9), L09502, 2007
Arctic Ocean heat impact on regional ice decay: A suggested positive feedback
V Ivanov, V Alexeev, NV Koldunov, I Repina, AB Sandø, LH Smedsrud, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 46 (5), 1437-1456, 2016
North Atlantic warming: patterns of long-term trend and multidecadal variability
IV Polyakov, VA Alexeev, US Bhatt, EI Polyakova, X Zhang
Climate dynamics 34 (2), 439-457, 2010
Fate of early-2000’s Arctic warm water pulse
IV Polyakov, VA Alexeev, IM Ashik, S Bacon, A Beszczynska-Möller, ...
Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, 2010
Polar amplification as a preferred response in an idealized aquaplanet GCM
PL Langen, VA Alexeev
Climate dynamics 29 (2), 305-317, 2007
Polar amplification: is atmospheric heat transport important?
VA Alexeev, CH Jackson
Climate dynamics 41, 533-547, 2013
Poleward upgliding Siberian atmospheric rivers over sea ice heat up Arctic upper air
KK Komatsu, VA Alexeev, IA Repina, Y Tachibana
Scientific reports 8 (1), 2872, 2018
Vertical structure of recent Arctic warming from observed data and reanalysis products
VA Alexeev, I Esau, IV Polyakov, SJ Byam, S Sorokina
Climatic Change 111, 215-239, 2012
Моделирование современного климата с помощью атмосферной модели ИВМ РАН
ВА Алексеев, ЕМ Володин, ВЯ Галин, ВП Дымников, ВН Лыкосов
Препринт ИВМ, 180, 1998
Tracing Atlantic water signature in the Arctic sea ice cover east of Svalbard
VV Ivanov, VA Alexeev, I Repina, NV Koldunov, A Smirnov
Advances in Meteorology 2012 (1), 201818, 2012
Is Arctic ice cover becoming seasonal
VV Ivanov, VA Alekseev, TA Alekseeva, NV Koldunov, IA Repina, ...
Issled. Zemli Kosmosa 4, 50-65, 2013
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Articles 1–20