Articles with public access mandates - Wei LiLearn more
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Effect of external pressure and internal stress on battery performance and lifespan
R Li, W Li, A Singh, D Ren, Z Hou, M Ouyang
Energy Storage Materials 52, 395-429, 2022
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Experiments and 3D detailed modeling for a pouch battery cell under impact loading
Z Pan, W Li, Y Xia
Journal of Energy Storage 27, 101016, 2020
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Performance of Li-ion pouch batteryunder a high-velocity impact: experiment and numerical simulation
T Fras, P Pawlowski, W Li, T Wierzbicki
International Journal of Impact Engineering 155, 103915, 2021
Mandates: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Influence of mechanical interaction between lithium-ion pouch cells in a simplified battery module under impact loading
G Chen, W Li, H Luo, Y Xia
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 58493 …, 2017
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Experimental and numerical analysis of the system ringing in intermediate strain rate tests
Z Qin, W Li, J Zhu, Y Xia
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 50633 …, 2016
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Testing and modeling the effect of strain-rate on plastic anisotropy for a traditional High Strength Steel
W Li, J Zhu, Y Xia, Q Zhou
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 57526 …, 2015
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Available somewhere: 17
End-of-life or second-life options for retired electric vehicle batteries
J Zhu, I Mathews, D Ren, W Li, D Cogswell, B Xing, T Sedlatschek, ...
Cell Reports Physical Science 2 (8), 2021
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland, European Commission
Data-driven safety envelope of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles
W Li, J Zhu, Y Xia, MB Gorji, T Wierzbicki
Joule 3 (11), 2703-2715, 2019
Mandates: US Agency for International Development, National Natural Science Foundation …
The application of data-driven methods and physics-based learning for improving battery safety
DP Finegan, J Zhu, X Feng, M Keyser, M Ulmefors, W Li, MZ Bazant, ...
Joule 5 (2), 316-329, 2021
Mandates: US Department of Energy, US Agency for International Development, National …
Deformation and failure of lithium-ion batteries treated as a discrete layered structure
J Zhu, W Li, T Wierzbicki, Y Xia, J Harding
International Journal of Plasticity 121, 293-311, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Agency for International Development …
Guiding the design of heterogeneous electrode microstructures for Li‐ion batteries: microscopic imaging, predictive modeling, and machine learning
H Xu, J Zhu, DP Finegan, H Zhao, X Lu, W Li, N Hoffman, A Bertei, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 11 (19), 2003908, 2021
Mandates: US Department of Energy, US Agency for International Development, UK …
Comparative study of mechanical-electrical-thermal responses of pouch, cylindrical, and prismatic lithium-ion cells under mechanical abuse
W Li, Y Xia, GH Chen, E Sahraei
Science China Technological Sciences 61, 1472-1482, 2018
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
State-of-charge dependence of mechanical response of lithium-ion batteries: a result of internal stress
W Li, Y Xia, J Zhu, H Luo
Journal of the electrochemical society 165 (7), A1537, 2018
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Mechanism of strengthening of battery resistance under dynamic loading
J Zhu, H Luo, W Li, T Gao, Y Xia, T Wierzbicki
International Journal of Impact Engineering 131, 78-84, 2019
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Prediction of shear crack formation of lithium-ion batteries under rod indentation: Comparison of seven failure criteria
J Lian, T Wierzbicki, J Zhu, W Li
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 217, 106520, 2019
Mandates: US Agency for International Development
Testing and modeling the mechanical properties of the granular materials of graphite anode
J Zhu, W Li, Y Xia, E Sahraei
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 165 (5), A1160, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
CENN: Conservative energy method based on neural networks with subdomains for solving variational problems involving heterogeneous and complex geometries
Y Wang, J Sun, W Li, Z Lu, Y Liu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 400, 115491, 2022
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Phase-Field DeepONet: Physics-informed deep operator neural network for fast simulations of pattern formation governed by gradient flows of free-energy functionals
W Li, MZ Bazant, J Zhu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 416, 116299, 2023
Mandates: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Nondestructively Visualizing and Understanding the Mechano‐Electro‐chemical Origins of “Soft Short” and “Creeping” in All‐Solid‐State Batteries
D Cao, K Zhang, W Li, Y Zhang, T Ji, X Zhao, E Cakmak, J Zhu, Y Cao, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 33 (52), 2307998, 2023
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US National …
Microstructural deformation patterns of a highly orthotropic polypropylene separator of lithium-ion batteries: Mechanism, model, and theory
Z Pan, J Zhu, H Xu, T Sedlatschek, X Zhang, W Li, T Gao, Y Xia, ...
Extreme Mechanics Letters 37, 100705, 2020
Mandates: US Agency for International Development, National Natural Science Foundation …
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