Jessica Walton
Jessica Walton
Australian Institute of Family Studies
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Cited by
Understanding the complexities of ethnic-racial socialization processes for both minority and majority groups: A 30-year systematic review
N Priest, J Walton, F White, E Kowal, A Baker, Y Paradies
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 43, 139-155, 2014
Identifying and developing effective approaches to foster intercultural understanding in schools
J Walton, N Priest, Y Paradies
Intercultural education 24 (3), 181-194, 2013
Talking culture? Egalitarianism, color-blindness and racism in Australian elementary schools
J Walton, N Priest, E Kowal, F White, K Brickwood, B Fox, Y Paradies
Teaching and teacher education 39, 112-122, 2014
‘You are not born being racist, are you?’Discussing racism with primary aged-children
N Priest, J Walton, F White, E Kowal, B Fox, Y Paradies
Race Ethnicity and Education 19 (4), 808-834, 2016
'It depends how you're saying it': the conceptual complexities of everyday racism
J Walton, N Priest, Y Paradies
Deakin University, 2013
A review of the model minority myth: understanding the social, educational and health impacts
J Walton, M Truong
Ethnic and Racial Studies 46 (3), 391-419, 2023
Whiteness and national identity: Teacher discourses in Australian primary schools
J Walton, N Priest, E Kowal, F White, B Fox, Y Paradies
Race ethnicity and education 21 (1), 132-147, 2018
Fostering intercultural understanding through secondary school experiences of cultural immersion
J Walton, Y Paradies, N Priest, EH Wertheim, E Freeman
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 28 (2), 216-237, 2015
Supporting the interests of intercountry adoptees beyond childhood: Access to adoption information and identity
J Walton
Social Policy and Society 11 (3), 443-454, 2012
The politics of conditional citizenship in South Korea: An analysis of the print media
D Hundt, J Walton, SJE Lee
Journal of Contemporary Asia 49 (3), 434-451, 2019
The limits of “multiculturalism without diversity”: multi-ethnic students and the negotiation of “difference” in South Korean schools
J Walton
Everyday multiculturalism in/across Asia, 29-47, 2021
Encountering the ‘other’: Interpreting student experiences of a multi-sensory museum exhibition
P Schorch, J Walton, N Priest, Y Paradies
Journal of Intercultural Studies 36 (2), 221-240, 2015
Introduction: Everyday multiculturalism in/across Asia
J Walton, A Harris, K Iwabuchi
Ethnic and Racial Studies 43 (5), 807-815, 2020
Feeling it: Understanding Korean adoptees’ experiences of embodied identity
J Walton
Journal of Intercultural Studies 36 (4), 395-412, 2015
Beyond ‘getting along’: Understanding embodied whiteness in educational spaces
J Walton
The Relationality of Race in Education Research, 2017
Asian Australians’ experiences of racism during the COVID-19 pandemic
A Kamp, N Denson, R Atie, K Dunn, R Sharples, M Vergani, J Walton, ...
Deakin University: Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies (CRIS), 2021
Racism in Australia: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
J Ben, A Elias, A Issaka, M Truong, K Dunn, R Sharples, C McGarty, ...
Systematic Reviews 11 (1), 47, 2022
Korean Adoptees and Transnational Adoption: Embodiment and Emotion
J Walton
Ethnography and multicultural/intercultural education: uncovering the unforseen complexities, practices and unintended outcomes
J Walton, JP Webster
Ethnography and Education 14 (3), 259-263, 2019
More than a Korean adoptee: Making sense of identity and adoption in South Korea and adoptive countries
J Walton
Deakin University, 2009
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Articles 1–20