Marina Axelson-Fisk
Cited by
Cited by
Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome
European Bioinformatics Institute: Birney Ewan 3 Goldman Nick 3 Kasprzyk ...
Nature 420 (6915), 520-562, 2002
Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution
University of Utah Weiss Robert B. 14 Dunn Diane M. 14, ...
Nature 428 (6982), 493-521, 2004
SLAM: cross-species gene finding and alignment with a generalized pair hidden Markov model
M Alexandersson, S Cawley, L Pachter
Genome research 13 (3), 496-502, 2003
Applications of generalized pair hidden Markov models to alignment and gene finding problems
L Pachter, M Alexandersson, S Cawley
Proceedings of the fifth annual international conference on Computational …, 2001
Serine/threonine protein kinases from bacteria, archaea and eukarya share a common evolutionary origin deeply rooted in the tree of life
IA Stancik, MS Šestak, B Ji, M Axelson-Fisk, D Franjevic, C Jers, ...
Journal of molecular biology 430 (1), 27-32, 2018
Bioinformatic identification of polymerizing and transmembrane mucins in the puffer fish Fugu rubripes
T Lang, M Alexandersson, GC Hansson, T Samuelsson
Glycobiology 14 (6), 521-527, 2004
A comprehensive survey of integron-associated genes present in metagenomes
M Buongermino Pereira, T Österlund, KM Eriksson, T Backhaus, ...
BMC genomics 21, 1-14, 2020
Accurate identification of novel human genes through simultaneous gene prediction in human, mouse, and rat
C Dewey, JQ Wu, S Cawley, M Alexandersson, R Gibbs, L Pachter
Genome research 14 (4), 661-664, 2004
HattCI: Fast and Accurate attC site Identification Using Hidden Markov Models
MB Pereira, M Wallroth, E Kristiansson, M Axelson-Fisk
Journal of Computational Biology 23 (11), 891-902, 2016
Picking alignments from (Steiner) trees
F Lam, M Alexandersson, L Pachter
Journal of Computational Biology 10 (3-4), 509-520, 2003
Early detection of sepsis using artificial intelligence: a scoping review protocol
I Pepic, R Feldt, L Ljungström, R Torkar, D Dalevi, H Maurin Söderholm, ...
Systematic Reviews 10, 1-7, 2021
Comparative gene finding
M Axelson-Fisk, M Axelson-Fisk
Comparative Gene Finding: Models, Algorithms and Implementation, 157-180, 2010
Comparative genomics and gene finding in fungi
M Axelson-Fisk, P Sunnerhagen
Comparative Genomics: Using Fungi as Models, 1-28, 2006
SLAM web server for comparative gene finding and alignment
S Cawley, L Pachter, M Alexandersson
Nucleic acids research 31 (13), 3507-3509, 2003
Optimal sampling in unbiased active learning
H Imberg, J Jonasson, M Axelson-Fisk
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 559-569, 2020
Biased random walk in a one-dimensional percolation model
M Axelson-Fisk, O Häggström
Stochastic processes and their applications 119 (10), 3395-3415, 2009
On the existence of the stable birth-type distribution in a general branching process cell cycle model with unequal cell division
M Alexandersson
Journal of applied probability 38 (3), 685-695, 2001
Conditional percolation on one-dimensional lattices
M Axelson-Fisk, O Häggström
Advances in Applied Probability 41 (4), 1102-1122, 2009
Branching processes and cell populations
M Alexandersson
Sequence alignment
M Axelson-Fisk, M Axelson-Fisk
Comparative Gene Finding: Models, Algorithms and Implementation, 89-155, 2010
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Articles 1–20