Bailey D. Morrison
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Cited by
A best-practice guide to predicting plant traits from leaf-level hyperspectral data using partial least squares regression
SPS Angela C Burnett, Jeremiah Anderson, Kenneth J Davidson, Kim S Ely ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 72 (18), 6175-6189, 2021
A multi-sensor unoccupied aerial system improves characterization of vegetation composition and canopy properties in the Arctic tundra
D Yang, R Meng, BD Morrison, A McMahon, W Hantson, DJ Hayes, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (16), 2638, 2020
Landscape-scale characterization of Arctic tundra vegetation composition, structure, and function with a multi-sensor unoccupied aerial system
D Yang, BD Morrison, W Hantson, AL Breen, A McMahon, Q Li, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (8), 085005, 2021
Remote sensing from unoccupied aerial systems: opportunities to enhance Arctic plant ecology in a changing climate
D Yang, BD Morrison, KJ Davidson, J Lamour, Q Li, PR Nelson, ...
Journal of Ecology 110 (12), 2812-2835, 2022
Development of an open-source regional data assimilation system in PEcAn v. 1.7. 2: application to carbon cycle reanalysis across the contiguous US using SIPNET
H Dokoohaki, BD Morrison, A Raiho, SP Serbin, K Zarada, L Dramko, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 15 (8), 3233-3252, 2022
Integrating very-high-resolution UAS data and airborne imaging spectroscopy to map the fractional composition of Arctic plant functional types in Western Alaska
D Yang, BD Morrison, W Hanston, A McMahon, L Baskaran, DJ Hayes, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 286, 113430, 2023
Spatial scale affects novel and disappeared climate change projections in Alaska
BD Morrison, K Heath, JA Greenberg
Ecology and Evolution 9 (21), 12026-12044, 2019
A novel model–data fusion approach to terrestrial carbon cycle reanalysis across the contiguous US using SIPNET and PEcAn state data assimilation system v. 1.7. 2
H Dokoohaki, BD Morrison, A Raiho, SP Serbin, M Dietze
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 2021, 1-28, 2021
In situ allelopathic expression by the invasive amphibious plant, Ludwigia hexapetala (water primrose) across habitat types, seasons, and salinities
JZ Drexler, M Gross, ML Hladik, B Morrison, E Hestir
Biological Invasions 26 (11), 3811-3828, 2024
Multimodal remote sensing to map, model, and combat invasive aquatic vegetation
BD Morrison, S Khanna, ES Gross, EL Hestir
AGU24, 2024
Topography and Functional Traits Control the Distribution of Key Shrub Plant Functional Types in Low-Arctic Tundra
D Yang, W Hantson, K Davidson, J Lamour, B Morrison, VG Salmon, ...
Authorea Preprints, 2024
Long-term imaging spectroscopy and in-situ plant trait analysis reveal drivers of marsh invasibility and determinants of species invasiveness.
BD Morrison, M Slimp, A Mazis, R Meyer, S Khanna, E Hestir
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, B21B-05, 2023
G-LiHT Campaign Leaf Carbon and Nitrogen Content, Mar2017: Puerto Rico
S Serbin, R Meng, J Wu, B Morrison, K Ely
Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments Tropics; Brookhaven National Lab.(BNL …, 2022
Continental bottom-up data assimilation to support terrestrial carbon cycle and disturbance Monitoring, Reporting, Verification, and Forecasting
M Dietze, D Zhang, A Andrews, H Dokoohaki, A Helgeson, R Kennedy, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, B25G-1539, 2021
Integrating Field Observations and Multi-scale Remote Sensing to Understand Tall Shrub Distribution and Environmental Limits in Arctic Tundra
D Yang, B Morrison, S Serbin
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, B24D-03, 2021
Assimilating disturbance: Toward real-time carbon monitoring and forecasting
M Dietze, S Serbin, H Dokoohaki, BD Morrison, K Zarada
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, B108-0003, 2020
Application of a Generalized Ensemble Filter for Estimating Terrestrial Carbon Budgets across the Contiguous United States
H Dokoohaki, A Raiho, B Morrison, S Serbin, M Dietze
100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2020
A model-data fusion approach to estimating terrestrial carbon budgets across the contiguous US
H Dokoohaki, BD Morrison, S Serbin, M Dietze
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, B13F-2442, 2019
Multiple LGM Alnus micro-refugia suggest resilience to climate change in Arctic vegetation.
BD Morrison, G de Lafontaine, J Napier
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, B24F-13, 2019
Climate Normals for Last Glacial Maximum and Modern (1975-2005), Alaska. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
BD Morrison, JA Greenberg
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Articles 1–20