Robert L. Cieri
Robert L. Cieri
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Craniofacial feminization, social tolerance, and the origins of behavioral modernity
RL Cieri, SE Churchill, RG Franciscus, J Tan, B Hare
Current Anthropology 55 (4), 419-443, 2014
Unidirectional pulmonary airflow patterns in the savannah monitor lizard
ER Schachner, RL Cieri, JP Butler, CG Farmer
Nature 506 (7488), 367-370, 2014
New insight into the evolution of the vertebrate respiratory system and the discovery of unidirectional airflow in iguana lungs
RL Cieri, BA Craven, ER Schachner, CG Farmer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (48), 17218-17223, 2014
Unidirectional pulmonary airflow in vertebrates: a review of structure, function, and evolution
RL Cieri, CG Farmer
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186, 541-552, 2016
Osteology of the Late Triassic Bipedal Archosaur Poposaurus gracilis (Archosauria: Pseudosuchia) from Western North America
ER Schachner, RB Irmis, AK Huttenlocker, K Sanders, RL Cieri, M Fox, ...
The Anatomical Record 303 (4), 874-917, 2020
Virtual and augmented reality: New tools for visualizing, analyzing, and communicating complex morphology
RL Cieri, ML Turner, RM Carney, PL Falkingham, AM Kirk, T Wang, ...
Journal of morphology 282 (12), 1785-1800, 2021
Pulmonary smooth muscle in vertebrates: a comparative review of structure and function
RL Cieri
Integrative and comparative biology 59 (1), 10-28, 2019
Locomotor rib kinematics in two species of lizards and a new hypothesis for the evolution of aspiration breathing in amniotes
RL Cieri, ST Hatch, JG Capano, EL Brainerd
Scientific reports 10 (1), 7739, 2020
Rib Motions Don’t Completely Hinge on Joint Design: Costal Joint Anatomy and Ventilatory Kinematics in a Teiid Lizard, Salvator merianae
JG Capano, S Moritz, RL Cieri, L Reveret, EL Brainerd
Integrative Organismal Biology 1 (1), oby004, 2019
Breathing with floating ribs: XROMM analysis of lung ventilation in savannah monitor lizards
RL Cieri, S Moritz, JG Capano, EL Brainerd
Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (22), jeb189449, 2018
Computational Fluid Dynamics Reveals a Unique Net Unidirectional Pattern of Pulmonary Airflow in the Savannah Monitor Lizard (Varanus exanthematicus)
RL Cieri, CG Farmer
The Anatomical Record 303 (7), 1768-1791, 2020
The axial anatomy of monitor lizards (Varanidae)
RL Cieri
Journal of Anatomy 233 (5), 636-643, 2018
The scaling of ground reaction forces and duty factor in monitor lizards: implications for locomotion in sprawling tetrapods
RL Cieri, TJM Dick, R Irwin, D Rumsey, CJ Clemente
Biology Letters 17 (2), 20200612, 2021
Monitoring muscle over three orders of magnitude: Widespread positive allometry among locomotor and body support musculature in the pectoral girdle of varanid lizards (Varanidae)
RL Cieri, TJM Dick, CJ Clemente
Journal of Anatomy 237 (6), 1114-1135, 2020
Tail base deflection but not tail curvature varies with speed in lizards: results from an automated tracking analysis pipeline
JT Schultz, RL Cieri, T Proost, R Pilai, M Hodgson, F Plum, CJ Clemente
Integrative and Comparative Biology 61 (5), 1769-1782, 2021
Modular lung ventilation in Boa constrictor
JG Capano, SM Boback, HI Weller, RL Cieri, CF Zwemer, EL Brainerd
Journal of Experimental Biology 225 (6), jeb243119, 2022
Scaling of fibre area and fibre glycogen concentration in the hindlimb musculature of monitor lizards: implications for locomotor performance with increasing body size
RL Cieri, TJM Dick, JS Morris, CJ Clemente
Journal of Experimental Biology 225 (Suppl_1), jeb243380, 2022
Coordinating limbs and spine:(Pareto-) optimal locomotion in theory, in vivo, and in robots
R Rockenfeller, RL Cieri, JT Schultz, R Maag, CJ Clemente
npj Robotics 2 (1), 4, 2024
The Soft Palate Enables Extreme Feeding and Explosive Breathing in the Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
AW Vogl, H Petersen, KN Gil, RL Cieri, RE Shadwick
Integrative Organismal Biology 6 (1), obae026, 2024
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Articles 1–19