Articles with public access mandates - Mohammadreza omidkhahLearn more
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Amine‐functionalized CuBTC/poly(ether‐b‐amide‐6) (Pebax® MH 1657) mixed matrix membranes for CO2/CH4 separation
T Khosravi, M Omidkhah, S Kaliaguine, D Rodrigue
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 95 (10), 2024-2033, 2017
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Analysis of oxidative coupling of methane in membrane reactors
HR Godini, H Arellano-Garcia, MR Omidkhah, G Wozny
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 26, 123-128, 2009
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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Analysis of attainable reactor performance for the oxidative methane coupling process
S Jašo, HR Godini, H Arellano-Garcia, M Omidkhah, G Wozny
Chemical Engineering Science 65 (24), 6341-6352, 2010
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Methane oxidative coupling: synthesis of membrane reactor networks
HR Godini, S Jaso, S Xiao, H Arellano-Garcia, M Omidkhah, G Wozny
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 51 (22), 7747-7761, 2012
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Model-based analysis of reactor feeding policies for methane oxidative coupling
HR Godini, H Arellano-Garcia, M Omidkhah, R Karimzadeh, G Wozny
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 49 (8), 3544-3552, 2010
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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