Karen W. Tao
Karen W. Tao
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Client perceptions of therapists’ multicultural orientation: Cultural (missed) opportunities and cultural humility.
J Owen, KW Tao, JM Drinane, J Hook, DE Davis, NF Kune
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 47 (1), 30, 2016
Clients' perceptions of their psychotherapists' multicultural orientation.
JJ Owen, K Tao, MM Leach, E Rodolfa
Psychotherapy 48 (3), 274, 2011
Addressing racial and ethnic microaggressions in therapy.
J Owen, KW Tao, ZE Imel, BE Wampold, E Rodolfa
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 45 (4), 283, 2014
A meta-analysis of multicultural competencies and psychotherapy process and outcome.
KW Tao, J Owen, BT Pace, ZE Imel
Journal of counseling psychology 62 (3), 337, 2015
Cultural ruptures in short-term therapy: Working alliance as a mediator between clients' perceptions of microaggressions and therapy outcomes
J Owen, Z Imel, KW Tao, B Wampold, A Smith, E Rodolfa
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 11 (3), 204-212, 2011
Racial/ethnic disparities in client unilateral termination: The role of therapists’ cultural comfort
J Owen, J Drinane, KW Tao, JL Adelson, JN Hook, D Davis, N Fookune
Psychotherapy Research 27 (1), 102-111, 2017
Microaggressions and women in short-term psychotherapy: Initial evidence
J Owen, K Tao, E Rodolfa
The Counseling Psychologist 38 (7), 923-946, 2010
Should I stay or should I go? The role of impostorism in STEM persistence
KW Tao, AM Gloria
Psychology of Women Quarterly 43 (2), 151-164, 2019
Examining supervisors' multicultural competence in racially similar and different supervision dyads
JS Hird, KW Tao, AM Gloria
The Clinical Supervisor 23 (2), 107-122, 2004
Was that Racist? An Experimental Study of Microaggression Ambiguity and Emotional Reactions for Racial–Ethnic Minority and White Individuals
KW Tao, J Owen, JM Drinane
Race and Social Problems 9, 262-271, 2017
An experimental test of microaggression detection in psychotherapy: Therapist multicultural orientation.
J Owen, JM Drinane, KW Tao, DR DasGupta, YSD Zhang, J Adelson
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 49 (1), 9, 2018
Cultural concealment and therapy outcomes.
JM Drinane, J Owen, KW Tao
Journal of Counseling Psychology 65 (2), 239, 2018
Self-reported multicultural supervision competence of White predoctoral intern supervisors.
AM Gloria, JS Hird, KW Tao
Training and Education in Professional Psychology 2 (3), 129, 2008
Microaggressions: Clinical impact and psychological harm
J Owen, KW Tao, JM Drinane
Microaggression theory: Influence and implications, 67-85, 2019
Construction and validation of the Multicultural Orientation Inventory—Group Version.
DM Kivlighan III, MC Adams, JM Drinane, KW Tao, J Owen
Journal of Counseling Psychology 66 (1), 45, 2019
Layered cultural processes: The relationship between multicultural orientation and satisfaction with supervision.
MM Wilcox, JM Drinane, SW Black, L Cabrera, C DeBlaere, KW Tao, ...
Training and Education in Professional Psychology 16 (3), 235, 2022
The detrimental effect of fragile groups: Examining the role of cultural comfort for group therapy members of color.
DM Kivlighan III, JM Drinane, KW Tao, J Owen, WM Liu
Journal of Counseling Psychology 66 (6), 763, 2019
Toward a psychotherapy science for all: Conducting ethical and socially just research.
JD Paquin, KW Tao, SL Budge
Psychotherapy 56 (4), 491, 2019
Windows of cultural opportunity: A thematic analysis of how cultural conversations occur in psychotherapy.
AY Trevino, KW Tao, JJ Van Epps
Psychotherapy 58 (2), 263, 2021
Too close and too far: Counseling emerging adults in a technological age.
KW Tao
Psychotherapy 51 (1), 123, 2014
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Articles 1–20