Jessica E Brown
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Cited by
Tales from the field: training undergraduate researchers for fieldwork
KC Poh, HS Tiffin, JR Evans, JE Brown, MJ Skvarla, ET Machtinger
American Entomologist 67 (1), 26-30, 2021
Host distribution and pathogen infection of fleas (Siphonaptera) recovered from small mammals in Pennsylvania
K Fedele, KC Poh, JE Brown, A Jones, LA Durden, HS Tiffin, A Pagac, ...
Journal of Vector Ecology 45 (1), 32-44, 2020
Sudden mortality in captive white-tailed deer with atypical infestation of winter tick
ET Machtinger, HR Springer, JE Brown, PU Olafson
Journal of medical entomology 58 (4), 1962-1965, 2021
Tick tubes reduce blacklegged tick burdens on white‐footed mice in Pennsylvania, USA
JE Brown, TM Miller, ET Machtinger
Journal of Applied Entomology 144 (6), 542-545, 2020
Evaluation of tick control tube month of placement and modifications to increase visitation by small mammals
KD Green, HS Tiffin, JE Brown, ER Burgess IV, ET Machtinger
Ecosphere 13 (7), e4155, 2022
Differential burdens of blacklegged ticks (Ixodes scapularis) on sympatric rodent hosts
JE Brown, HS Tiffin, A Pagac, KC Poh, JR Evans, TM Miller, BH Herrin, ...
Journal of Vector Ecology 49 (1), 44-52, 2023
Distribution of biting flies associated with swine production facilities in the southeastern United States
ET Machtinger, ER Burgess IV, JE Brown
Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 39 (1), 9-20, 2023
Landscape distribution and abundance of animal‐associated adult filth flies on commercial swine facilities in North Carolina, US
ET Machtinger, JE Brown, ER Burgess IV
Medical and Veterinary Entomology 35 (4), 633-645, 2021
" Tick"-et to Success: Unraveling the Ecology of Host-Tick Interactions in Small Mammals
J Brown
Take a Walk on the Wild Side: Exploring the Intersection of Wildlife and Entomology
KC Poh, HS Tiffin, JE Brown
2021 Virtual Eastern, Southeastern, Pacific, North Central, and Southwestern …, 2021
Differential tick burdens on small mammal host species in central Pennsylvania
JE Brown
Entomology 2019, 2019
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Articles 1–11