Paul James Cardwell
Paul James Cardwell
Professor of Law, King's College London
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The new intergovernmentalism: states and supranational actors in the post-Maastricht era
CJ Bickerton, D Hodson, U Puetter
Oxford University Press, 2015
Handbook on the Politics of Regulation
D Levi-Faur
Edward Elgar, 2011
EuroMed, European neighbourhood policy and the Union for the Mediterranean: Overlapping policy frames in the EU's governance of the Mediterranean
PJ Cardwell
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 49 (2), 219-241, 2011
The European Union as a global investment partner: law, policy and rhetoric in the attainment of development assistance and market liberalization
PJ Cardwell, D French
Evolution in investment treaty law and arbitration. Cambridge University …, 2011
Institutional balances, competences and restraints: The EU as an autonomous foreign policy actor
PJ Cardwell
International Organizations and the Idea of Autonomy, 353-365, 2011
Liberalising investment in the CARIFORUM-EU economic partnership agreement: EU priorities, regional agendas and developmental hegemony
PJ Cardwell, D French
Kluwer Law International, 2010
EU external relations law and policy in the post-Lisbon era
PJ Cardwell
EU External Relations Law and Policy in the Post-Lisbon Era, 1-14, 2012
The EU, sanctions and regional leadership
PJ Cardwell, E Moret
European Security 32 (1), 1-21, 2023
EU external relations and systems of governance: the CFSP, Euro-Mediterranean partnership and migration
PJ Cardwell
Routledge, 2009
The legalisation of European Union foreign policy and the use of sanctions
PJ Cardwell
Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies 17, 287-310, 2015
Does studying abroad help academic achievement?
PJ Cardwell
European Journal of Higher Education 10 (2), 147-163, 2020
New modes of governance in the external dimension of EU migration policy
PJ Cardwell
International migration 51 (6), 54-66, 2013
Kadi: the Interplay between EU and international law
PJ Cardwell, D French, ND White
International and Comparative Law Quarterly 58, 229-240, 2009
Bringing the Technical into the Socio-Legal: The Methaphors of Law and Legal Scholarship of a Twenty-First Century European Union
PJ Cardwell, T Hervey
Exploring the ‘Legal’ in Socio-Legal Studies, 157-182, 2016
Who Decides? The ECJ's Judgment on Jurisdiction in the MOX Plant Dispute: Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations—United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea—Part …
PJ Cardwell, D French
Journal of Environmental Law 19 (1), 121-129, 2007
Mapping out democracy promotion in the EU’s external relations
PJ Cardwell
European Foreign Affairs Review 16 (1), 2011
Tackling Europe's migration ‘crisis’ through law and ‘new governance’
PJ Cardwell
Global Policy 9 (1), 67-75, 2018
Tackling environmental crime in the European Union: the case of the missing victim?
PJ Cardwell, D French, M Hall
Environmental Law & Management 23 (3), 113-121, 2011
‘Formal informality’ in EU external migration governance: the case of mobility partnerships
PJ Cardwell, R Dickson
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49 (12), 3121-3139, 2023
Rethinking law and new governance in the European Union: the case of migration management
PJ Cardwell
European Law Review 3, 2016
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Articles 1–20