Adrienne Grêt-Regamey
Cited by
Cited by
Contributions of cultural services to the ecosystem services agenda
TC Daniel, A Muhar, A Arnberger, O Aznar, JW Boyd, KMA Chan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (23), 8812-8819, 2012
An indicator framework for assessing ecosystem services in support of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020
J Maes, C Liquete, A Teller, M Erhard, ML Paracchini, JI Barredo, ...
Ecosystem services 17, 14-23, 2016
Mountain ecosystem services: who cares?
A Grêt-Regamey, SH Brunner, F Kienast
Mountain Research and Development 32 (S1), 2012
Defining a typology of peri-urban land-use conflicts–A case study from Switzerland
A Von Der Dunk, A Grêt-Regamey, T Dalang, AM Hersperger
Landscape and urban planning 101 (2), 149-156, 2011
Review of decision support tools to operationalize the ecosystem services concept
A Grêt-Regamey, E Sirén, SH Brunner, B Weibel
Ecosystem Services 26, 306-315, 2017
Soil function assessment: review of methods for quantifying the contributions of soils to ecosystem services
L Greiner, A Keller, A Grêt-Regamey, A Papritz
Land use policy 69, 224-237, 2017
Integrating ecosystem services into spatial planning—A spatial decision support tool
A Grêt-Regamey, J Altwegg, EA Sirén, MJ Van Strien, B Weibel
Landscape and Urban Planning 165, 206-219, 2017
Form follows function? Proposing a blueprint for ecosystem service assessments based on reviews and case studies
R Seppelt, B Fath, B Burkhard, JL Fisher, A Grêt-Regamey, S Lautenbach, ...
Ecological Indicators 21, 145-154, 2012
Linking GIS-based models to value ecosystem services in an Alpine region
A Grêt-Regamey, P Bebi, ID Bishop, WA Schmid
Journal of environmental management 89 (3), 197-208, 2008
Soil quality indicators–From soil functions to ecosystem services
T Drobnik, L Greiner, A Keller, A Grêt-Regamey
Ecological indicators 94, 151-169, 2018
Participatory scenario analysis for integrated regional modelling
A Walz, C Lardelli, H Behrendt, A Grêt-Regamey, C Lundström, S Kytzia, ...
Landscape and urban Planning 81 (1-2), 114-131, 2007
Understanding ecosystem services trade-offs with interactive procedural modeling for sustainable urban planning
A Grêt-Regamey, E Celio, TM Klein, UW Hayek
Landscape and urban planning 109 (1), 107-116, 2013
Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services: Indicators for ecosystem assessments under Action 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020
J Maes, A Teller, M Erhard, P Murphy, ML Paracchini, JI Barredo, ...
Publications office of the European Union, 2014
A tiered approach for mapping ecosystem services
A Grêt-Regamey, B Weibel, F Kienast, SE Rabe, G Zulian
Ecosystem Services 13, 16-27, 2015
Spatially explicit avalanche risk assessment linking Bayesian networks to a GIS
A Grêt-Regamey, D Straub
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 6 (6), 911-926, 2006
Representation of decision-making in European agricultural agent-based models
R Huber, M Bakker, A Balmann, T Berger, M Bithell, C Brown, ...
Agricultural systems 167, 143-160, 2018
Exploring the influence of perceived urban change on residents' place attachment
T Von Wirth, A Grêt-Regamey, C Moser, M Stauffacher
Journal of environmental psychology 46, 67-82, 2016
Assessing the impacts of economic and climate changes on land-use in mountain regions: A spatial dynamic modeling approach
S Briner, C Elkin, R Huber, A Grêt-Regamey
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 149, 50-63, 2012
Trade-offs between ecosystem services in a mountain region
S Briner, R Huber, P Bebi, C Elkin, DR Schmatz, A Grêt-Regamey
Ecology and Society 18 (3), 2013
Valuing ecosystem services for sustainable landscape planning in Alpine regions
A Grêt-Regamey, A Walz, P Bebi
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 156-165, 2008
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Articles 1–20