Peter M. Madsen
Cited by
Cited by
Failing to learn? The effects of failure and success on organizational learning in the global orbital launch vehicle industry
PM Madsen, V Desai
Academy of management journal 53 (3), 451-476, 2010
Looking good by doing good: The antecedents and consequences of stakeholder attention to corporate disaster relief
PM Madsen, ZJ Rodgers
Strategic Management Journal 36 (5), 776-794, 2015
Corporate dynamic transparency: the new ICT-driven ethics?
A Vaccaro, P Madsen
Ethics and information technology 11, 113-122, 2009
Does corporate investment drive a “race to the bottom” in environmental protection? A reexamination of the effect of environmental regulation on investment
PM Madsen
Academy of Management Journal 52 (6), 1297-1318, 2009
A case of the birth and death of a high reliability healthcare organisation
KH Roberts, P Madsen, V Desai, D Van Stralen
BMJ Quality & Safety 14 (3), 216-220, 2005
Mitigating hazards through continuing design: The birth and evolution of a pediatric intensive care unit
P Madsen, V Desai, K Roberts, D Wong
Organization Science 17 (2), 239-248, 2006
These lives will not be lost in vain: Organizational learning from disaster in US coal mining
PM Madsen
Organization Science 20 (5), 861-875, 2009
How to avoid catastrophe
CH Tinsley, RL Dillon, PM Madsen
Harvard Business Review 89 (4), 90-97, 2011
ICT and an NGO: Difficulties in attempting to be extremely transparent
A Vaccaro, P Madsen
Ethics and Information Technology 11, 221-231, 2009
Organizational sensemaking during crisis
KH Roberts, P Madsen, V Desai
International handbook of organizational crisis management, 107-122, 2007
Essentials of business ethics
P Madsen, JM Shafritz
Perils and profits: A reexamination of the link between profitability and safety in US aviation
PM Madsen
Journal of Management 39 (3), 763-791, 2013
Airline safety improvement through experience with near‐misses: A cautionary tale
P Madsen, RL Dillon, CH Tinsley
Risk analysis 36 (5), 1054-1066, 2016
What can universities and professional schools do to save the environment
P Madsen
Earth Summit Ethics: toward a reconstructive postmodern philosophy of …, 1996
Essentials of government ethics
P Madsen, JM Shafritz
Meridian, 1992
Emerging design methods and tools in collaborative product development
E Red, D French, G Jensen, SS Walker, P Madsen
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 13 (3), 031001, 2013
Firm information transparency: Ethical questions in the information age
A Vaccaro, P Madsen
Social Informatics: An Information Society for all? In Remembrance of Rob …, 2006
Organizational correctives for improving recognition of near-miss events
RL Dillon, CH Tinsley, PM Madsen, EW Rogers
Journal of Management 42 (3), 671-697, 2016
A stakeholder–human capital perspective on the link between social performance and executive compensation
PM Madsen, JB Bingham
Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (1), 1-30, 2014
Dynamic transparency, prudential justice, and corporate transformation: Becoming socially responsible in the internet age
P Madsen
Journal of Business Ethics 90 (Suppl 4), 639-648, 2009
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Articles 1–20