Katsuhiko Shiomi
Katsuhiko Shiomi
National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience
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Slow earthquakes coincident with episodic tremors and slow slip events
Y Ito, K Obara, K Shiomi, S Sekine, H Hirose
Science 315 (5811), 503-506, 2007
Spatial distribution and focal mechanisms of aftershocks of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
Y Asano, T Saito, Y Ito, K Shiomi, H Hirose, T Matsumoto, S Aoi, S Hori, ...
Earth, planets and space 63, 669-673, 2011
Sudden drop of seismic velocity after the 2004 Mw 6.6 mid‐Niigata earthquake, Japan, observed with Passive Image Interferometry
U Wegler, H Nakahara, C Sens‐Schönfelder, M Korn, K Shiomi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B6), 2009
Broad-band power-law spectra of well-log data in Japan
K Shiomi, H Sato, M Ohtake
Geophysical Journal International 130 (1), 57-64, 1997
Coseismic and postseismic elastic wave velocity variations caused by the 2008 Iwate‐Miyagi Nairiku earthquake, Japan
M Hobiger, U Wegler, K Shiomi, H Nakahara
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B9), 2012
Structural features of the subducting slab beneath the Kii Peninsula, central Japan: Seismic evidence of slab segmentation, dehydration, and anisotropy
K Shiomi, J Park
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B10), 2008
Configuration of subducting Philippine Sea plate beneath southwest Japan revealed from receiver function analysis based on the multivariate autoregressive model
K Shiomi, H Sato, K Obara, M Ohtake
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 109 (B4), 2004
Simple relationship between seismic activity along Philippine Sea slab and geometry of oceanic Moho beneath southwest Japan
K Shiomi, M Matsubara, Y Ito, K Obara
Geophysical Journal International 173 (3), 1018-1029, 2008
Single-station cross-correlation analysis of ambient seismic noise: application to stations in the surroundings of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake
M Hobiger, U Wegler, K Shiomi, H Nakahara
Geophysical Journal International 198 (1), 90-109, 2014
Decay and expansion of the early aftershock activity following the 2011, Mw9.0 Tohoku earthquake
O Lengliné, B Enescu, Z Peng, K Shiomi
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (18), 2012
Seismic interferometry of teleseicmic S-wave coda for retrieval of body waves: An application to the Philippine Sea slab underneath the Japanese Islands
T Tonegawa, K Nishida, T Watanabe, K Shiomi
Geophysical Journal International 178 (3), 1574-1586, 2009
Coseismic and post-seismic velocity changes detected by passive image interferometry: comparison of one great and five strong earthquakes in Japan
M Hobiger, U Wegler, K Shiomi, H Nakahara
Geophysical Journal International 205 (2), 1053-1073, 2016
Split Philippine sea plate beneath Japan
S Ide, K Shiomi, K Mochizuki, T Tonegawa, G Kimura
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (21), 2010
Predictability study on the aftershock sequence following the 2011 Tohoku-Oki, Japan, earthquake: First results
KZ Nanjo, H Tsuruoka, S Yokoi, Y Ogata, G Falcone, N Hirata, Y Ishigaki, ...
Geophysical Journal International 191 (2), 653-658, 2012
Water flow to the mantle transition zone inferred from a receiver function image of the Pacific slab
T Tonegawa, K Hirahara, T Shibutani, H Iwamori, H Kanamori, K Shiomi
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 274 (3-4), 346-354, 2008
Moho depth variation beneath southwestern Japan revealed from the velocity structure based on receiver function inversion
K Shiomi, K Obara, H Sato
Tectonophysics 420 (1-2), 205-221, 2006
Automatic aftershock forecasting: A test using real‐time seismicity data in Japan
T Omi, Y Ogata, K Shiomi, B Enescu, K Sawazaki, K Aihara
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 106 (6), 2450-2458, 2016
Japan unified high-resolution relocated catalog for earthquakes (JUICE): crustal seismicity beneath the Japanese Islands
TE Yano, T Takeda, M Matsubara, K Shiomi
Tectonophysics 702, 19-28, 2017
Fractional seismic velocity change related to magma intrusions during earthquake swarms in the eastern Izu peninsula, central Japan
T Ueno, T Saito, K Shiomi, B Enescu, H Hirose, K Obara
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B12), 2012
Estimation on the azimuth of the Hi-net and KiK-net borehole seismometers
K Shiomi
J. Seismol. Soc. Jpn.(Zisin) 56, 99-113, 2003
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Articles 1–20