Rodrigo Schramm
Cited by
Cited by
Rectangle detection based on a windowed Hough transform
CR Jung, R Schramm
Proceedings. 17th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image …, 2004
Gesture in performance with traditional musical instruments and electronics: Use of embodied music cognition and multimodal motion capture to design gestural mapping strategies
F Visi, R Schramm, E Miranda
Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Movement and Computing, 100, 2014
Gesture in performance with traditional musical instruments and electronics: Use of embodied music cognition and multimodal motion capture to design gestural mapping strategies
F Visi, R Schramm, E Miranda
Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Movement and Computing, 100, 2014
Dynamic time warping for music conducting gestures evaluation
R Schramm, CR Jung, ER Miranda
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 17 (2), 243-255, 2014
Automatic Transcription of Polyphonic Vocal Music
A McLeod, R Schramm, M Steedman, E Benetos
Applied Sciences 7 (12), 1285, 2017
Tecnologias aplicadas à Educação Musical
R Schramm
RENOTE 7 (2), 2009
Automatic Transcription of a Cappella recordings from Multiple Singers
R Schramm, E Benetos
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2017 AES International Conference on …, 2017
Musical Instruments, Body Movement, Space, and Motion Data: Music as an Emergent Multimodal Choreography
F Visi, E Coorevits, R Schramm, ER Miranda
Human Technology 13 (1), 58-81, 2017
Multi-pitch detection and voice assignment for a cappella recordings of multiple singers
R Schramm, A McLeod, M Steedman, E Benetos
ISMIR, 2017
Use of Body Motion to Enhance Traditional Musical Instruments.
F Visi, R Schramm, ER Miranda
NIME, 601-604, 2014
Automatic Solfège Assessment
R Schramm, HS Nunes, CR Jung
16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 183--189, 2015
Parallelogram detection using the tiled hough transform
CR Jung, R Schramm
Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 177-180, 2006
Audiovisual Tool for Solfège Assessment
R Schramm, HDS Nunes, CR Jung
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2017
A polyphonic pitch tracking embedded system for rapid instrument augmentation
R Schramm, F Visi, A Brasil, MO Johann
Proceedings of NIME, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, 2018
Analysis of mimed violin performance movements of Neophytes: patterns, periodicities, commonalities and individualities
F Visi, E Coorevits, R Schramm, E Miranda
Music, mind, and embodiment 9617, 88-108, 2016
Instrumental movements of neophytes: analysis of movement Periodicities, Commonalities and individualities in Mimed violin performance
F Visi, E Coorevits, R Schramm, E Miranda
11th International Symposium on CMMR, 518-533, 2015
Temporally coherent stereo matching using kinematic constraints
R Schramm, CR Jung
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
MAaV–an appliance for Adult Musicalization
R Schramm
World Conference on Computers in Education, 2009
Automatic Transcription of Diatonic Harmonica Recordings
F Lins, M Johann, E Benetos, R Schramm
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
3CMS: an interactive decision system for live performance
R Schramm, H de Souza Nunes, L de Assis Nunes, F Visi, ER Miranda
International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, 190-210, 2015
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Articles 1–20