Jørgen Dall
Jørgen Dall
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The European Space Agency BIOMASS mission: Measuring forest above-ground biomass from space
S Quegan, T Le Toan, J Chave, J Dall, JF Exbrayat, DHT Minh, M Lomas, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 227, 44-60, 2019
Improving SAR automatic target recognition models with transfer learning from simulated data
D Malmgren-Hansen, A Kusk, J Dall, AA Nielsen, R Engholm, H Skriver
IEEE Geoscience and remote sensing Letters 14 (9), 1484-1488, 2017
EMISAR: An absolutely calibrated polarimetric L-and C-band SAR
EL Christensen, N Skou, J Dall, KW Woelders, JH Jorgensen, J Granholm, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 36 (6), 1852-1865, 1998
Terahertz imaging systems with aperture synthesis techniques
V Krozer, T Löffler, J Dall, A Kusk, F Eichhorn, RK Olsson, JD Buron, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 58 (7), 2027-2039, 2010
Azimuth phase coding for range ambiguity suppression in SAR
J Dall, A Kusk
IGARSS 2004. 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2004
Topography and penetration of the Greenland ice sheet measured with airborne SAR interferometry
J Dall, SN Madsen, K Keller, R Forsberg
Geophysical Research Letters 28 (9), 1703-1706, 2001
Sea surface height determination in the Arctic using Cryosat-2 SAR data from primary peak empirical retrackers
M Jain, OB Andersen, J Dall, L Stenseng
Advances in Space Research 55 (1), 40-50, 2015
ESA's polarimetric airborne radar ice sounder (POLARIS): Design and first results
J Dall, SS Kristensen, V Krozer, CC Hernández, J Vidkjær, A Kusk, ...
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 4 (3), 488-496, 2010
Sea-ice deformation state from synthetic aperture radar imagery—Part I: Comparison of C-and L-band and different polarization
W Dierking, J Dall
IEEE transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 45 (11), 3610-3622, 2007
A new frequency domain autofocus algorithm for SAR
J Dall
Remote sensing: global monitoring for earth management, Espoo, June 3-6, 1991, 1990
Single and multipolarimetric P-band SAR tomography of subsurface ice structure
F Banda, J Dall, S Tebaldini
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (5), 2832-2845, 2015
The Danish SAR system: Design and initial tests
SN Madsen, EL Christensen, N Skou, J Dall
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 29 (3), 417-426, 1991
Volume changes of Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland, due to surface mass balance, ice flow, and subglacial melting at geothermal areas
E Magnússon, H Björnsson, J Dall, F Pálsson
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (5), 2005
Greenland ice velocity maps from the PROMICE project
A Solgaard, A Kusk, JPM Boncori, J Dall, KD Mankoff, AP Ahlstrøm, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2021, 1-29, 2021
Agriculture classification using POLSAR data
H Skriver, J Dall, T Le Toan, S Quegan, L Ferro-Famil, E Pottier, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop POLINSAR 2005 (ESA SP-586). 17 …, 2005
Real-time processor for the Danish airborne SAR
J Dall, JH Jørgensen, EL Christensen, SN Madsen
IEE Proceedings F (Radar and Signal Processing) 139 (2), 115-121, 1992
The BIOMASS mission—An ESA Earth Explorer candidate to measure the BIOMASS of the earth's forests
K Scipal, M Arcioni, J Chave, J Dall, F Fois, T LeToan, CC Lin, ...
2010 IEEE international geoscience and remote sensing symposium, 52-55, 2010
Response of Eyjafjallajökull, Torfajökull and Tindfjallajökull ice caps in Iceland to regional warming, deduced by remote sensing
S Gudmundsson, H Björnsson, E Magnusson, E Berthier, F Palsson, ...
Polar Research 30 (1), 7282, 2011
A polarimetric coherence method to determine ice crystal orientation fabric from radar sounding: Application to the NEEM ice core region
TM Jordan, DM Schroeder, D Castelletti, J Li, J Dall
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 (11), 8641-8657, 2019
Wideband dual-polarization microstrip patch antenna array for airborne ice sounder
JL Vazquez-Roy, V Krozer, J Dall
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 54 (4), 98-107, 2012
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Articles 1–20