Kathryn Monahan
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Cited by
Age differences in resistance to peer influence.
L Steinberg, KC Monahan
Developmental psychology 43 (6), 1531, 2007
Affiliation with antisocial peers, susceptibility to peer influence, and antisocial behavior during the transition to adulthood.
KC Monahan, L Steinberg, E Cauffman
Developmental psychology 45 (6), 1520, 2009
Trajectories of antisocial behavior and psychosocial maturity from adolescence to young adulthood.
KC Monahan, L Steinberg, E Cauffman, EP Mulvey
Developmental psychology 45 (6), 1654, 2009
From the school yard to the squad car: School discipline, truancy, and arrest
KC Monahan, S VanDerhei, J Bechtold, E Cauffman
Journal of youth and adolescence 43, 1110-1122, 2014
Differential associations of threat and deprivation with emotion regulation and cognitive control in adolescence
HK Lambert, KM King, KC Monahan, KA McLaughlin
Development and psychopathology 29 (3), 929-940, 2017
Arrested development: The effects of incarceration on the development of psychosocial maturity
J Dmitrieva, KC Monahan, E Cauffman, L Steinberg
Development and psychopathology 24 (3), 1073-1090, 2012
Predictors and consequences of school connectedness: The case for prevention.
KC Monahan, S Oesterle, JD Hawkins
Prevention Researcher 17 (3), 2010
Psychosocial (im) maturity from adolescence to early adulthood: Distinguishing between adolescence-limited and persisting antisocial behavior
KC Monahan, L Steinberg, E Cauffman, EP Mulvey
Development and Psychopathology 25 (4pt1), 1093-1105, 2013
A multimethod assessment of juvenile psychopathy: comparing the predictive utility of the PCL: YV, YPI, and NEO PRI.
E Cauffman, ER Kimonis, J Dmitrieva, KC Monahan
Psychological assessment 21 (4), 528, 2009
Juvenile justice policy and practice: A developmental perspective
K Monahan, L Steinberg, AR Piquero
Crime and justice 44 (1), 577-619, 2015
Sustained decreases in risk exposure and youth problem behaviors after installation of the Communities That Care prevention system in a randomized trial
JD Hawkins, S Oesterle, EC Brown, KC Monahan, RD Abbott, MW Arthur, ...
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 166 (2), 141-148, 2012
Individual differences in the development of self-regulation during pre-adolescence: Connections to context and adjustment
KM King, LJ Lengua, KC Monahan
Journal of abnormal child psychology 41, 57-69, 2013
The effects of visitation on incarcerated juvenile offenders: How contact with the outside impacts adjustment on the inside
KC Monahan, A Goldweber, E Cauffman
Law and human behavior 35, 143-151, 2011
Adolescent pathways to co‐occurring problem behavior: The effects of peer delinquency and peer substance use
KC Monahan, IC Rhew, JD Hawkins, EC Brown
Journal of research on adolescence 24 (4), 630-645, 2014
Investigating the longitudinal relation between offending frequency and offending variety
KC Monahan, AR Piquero
Criminal Justice and Behavior 36 (7), 653-673, 2009
Psychosocial maturity and desistance from crime in a sample of serious juvenile offenders
LD Steinberg, E Cauffman, K Monahan
US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile …, 2015
Revisiting the impact of part‐time work on adolescent adjustment: Distinguishing between selection and socialization using propensity score matching
KC Monahan, JM Lee, L Steinberg
Child development 82 (1), 96-112, 2011
Changes in self-control problems and attention problems during middle school predict alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use during high school.
KM King, CB Fleming, KC Monahan, RF Catalano
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 25 (1), 69, 2011
Is adolescence-onset antisocial behavior developmentally normative?
GI Roisman, KC Monahan, SB Campbell, L Steinberg, E Cauffman
Development and psychopathology 22 (2), 295-311, 2010
Sex differences in the longitudinal relations among family risk factors and childhood externalizing symptoms.
I Blatt-Eisengart, DAG Drabick, KC Monahan, L Steinberg
Developmental Psychology 45 (2), 491, 2009
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Articles 1–20