Paola Giacconi
Paola Giacconi
Liceo Ginnasio Luigi Galvani, Bologna
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Lorentz and CPT violations from Chern-Simons modifications of QED
AA Andrianov, P Giacconi, R Soldati
Journal of High Energy Physics 2002 (02), 030, 2002
Bare and induced Lorentz and CPT invariance violations in QED
J Alfaro, AA Andrianov, M Cambiaso, P Giacconi, R Soldati
International Journal of Modern Physics A 25 (16), 3271-3306, 2010
On the consistency of Lorentz invariance violation in QED induced by fermions in constant axial-vector background
J Alfaro, AA Andrianov, M Cambiaso, P Giacconi, R Soldati
Physics Letters B 639 (5), 586-590, 2006
Anomalous positron excess from Lorentz-violating QED
AA Andrianov, D Espriu, P Giacconi, R Soldati
Journal of High Energy Physics 2009 (09), 057, 2009
Domain wall generation by fermion self-interaction and light particles
AA Andrianov, VA Andrianov, P Giacconi, R Soldati
Journal of High Energy Physics 2003 (07), 063, 2003
Planar QED at finite temperature and density: Hall conductivity, Berry's phases and minimal conductivity of graphene
CG Beneventano, P Giacconi, EM Santángelo, R Soldati
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42 (27), 275401, 2009
Brane world generation by matter and gravity
AA Andrianov, VA Andrianov, P Giacconi, R Soldati
Journal of High Energy Physics 2005 (07), 003, 2005
Scattering amplitude in the Aharonov-Bohm gauge field
P Giacconi, F Maltoni, R Soldati
Physical Review D 53 (2), 952, 1996
Decay in a uniform field: an exactly solvable model
RM Cavalcanti, P Giacconi, R Soldati
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (48), 12065, 2003
Non-Abelian anomalies on a curved space with torsion
G Cognola, P Giacconi
Physical Review D 39 (10), 2987, 1989
The quantum Hall effect in graphene samples and the relativistic Dirac effective action
CG Beneventano, P Giacconi, EM Santángelo, R Soldati
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (24), F435, 2007
Symmetries and the cosmological constant puzzle
AA Andrianov, F Cannata, P Giacconi, AY Kamenshchik, R Soldati
Physics Letters B 651 (4), 306-312, 2007
Bose-Einstein condensation in the presence of a uniform field and a pointlike impurity
RM Cavalcanti, P Giacconi, G Pupillo, R Soldati
Physical Review A 65 (5), 053606, 2002
Spontaneous CPT asymmetry of the Universe
AA Andrianov, P Giacconi, R Soldati
arXiv preprint astro-ph/0111350, 2001
Second virial coefficient for contact-interacting anyons
P Giacconi, F Maltoni, R Soldati
Physical Review B 53 (15), 10065, 1996
Induced gravity and universe creation on the domain wall in five-dimensional space-time
AA Andrianov, VA Andrianov, P Giacconi, R Soldati
Theoretical and mathematical physics 148, 880-894, 2006
Non-trivial behaviour of the scattering amplitude of contact-interacting anyons
P Giacconi, F Maltoni, R Soldati
Physics Letters B 441 (1-4), 257-264, 1998
Axial anomaly in the presence of the Aharonov-Bohm gauge field
P Giacconi, S Ouvry, R Soldati
Physical Review D 50 (8), 5358, 1994
Bose–Einstein condensation in the presence of an impurity
P Giacconi, F Maltoni, R Soldati
Physics Letters A 279 (1-2), 12-16, 2001
Effective actions with vector‐axial‐vector couplings on Riemann–Cartan manifolds
G Cognola, P Giacconi, R Soldati
Journal of mathematical physics 31 (11), 2699-2701, 1990
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Articles 1–20