Samim Ozen
Samim Ozen
Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
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Rare causes of primary adrenal insufficiency: genetic and clinical characterization of a large nationwide cohort
T Guran, F Buonocore, N Saka, MN Ozbek, Z Aycan, A Bereket, F Bas, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 101 (1), 284-292, 2016
Effects of environmental endocrine disruptors on pubertal development
S Özen, Ş Darcan
Journal of clinical research in pediatric endocrinology 3 (1), 1, 2011
A comprehensive online calculator for pediatric endocrinologists: ÇEDD Çözüm/TPEDS metrics
K Demir, S Özen, E Konakçı, M Aydın, F Darendeliler
Journal of clinical research in pediatric endocrinology 9 (2), 182, 2017
The effects of Pilates on metabolic control and physical performance in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus
M Tunar, S Ozen, D Goksen, G Asar, CS Bediz, S Darcan
Journal of diabetes and its complications 26 (4), 348-351, 2012
Natural history of congenital generalized lipodystrophy: a nationwide study from Turkey
B Akinci, H Onay, T Demir, S Ozen, H Kayserili, G Akinci, B Nur, B Tuysuz, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 101 (7), 2759-2767, 2016
Effects of carbohydrate counting method on metabolic control in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus
D Gökşen, YA Altınok, S Özen, G Demir, Ş Darcan
Journal of clinical research in pediatric endocrinology 6 (2), 74, 2014
The relation of vitamin D deficiency with puberty and insulin resistance in obese children and adolescents
M Buyukinan, S Ozen, S Kokkun, EU Saz
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 25 (1-2), 83-87, 2012
New features for child metrics: further growth references and blood pressure calculations
K Demir, E Konakçı, G Özkaya, BK Demir, S Özen, M Aydın, ...
Journal of clinical research in pediatric endocrinology 12 (2), 125, 2020
Clinical course of Hashimoto's thyroiditis and effects of levothyroxine therapy on the clinical course of the disease in children and adolescents
S Özen, Ö Berk, DG Şimşek, Ş Darcan
Journal of clinical research in pediatric endocrinology 3 (4), 192, 2011
Insulin-like growth factor attenuates apoptosis and mucosal damage in hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced intestinal injury
S Ozen, M Akisu, M Baka, M Yalaz, EY Sozmen, A Berdeli, N Kultursay
Neonatology 87 (2), 91-96, 2005
Hastane enfeksiyonları; sıklığı ve risk faktörleri
M Özçetin, EU Saz, B Karapınar, S Özen, Ş Aydemir, F Vardar
J Pediatr Inf 3 (3), 49-53, 2009
Turner syndrome and associated problems in Turkish children: a multicenter study
E Yeşilkaya, A Bereket, F Darendeliler, F Baş, Ş Poyrazoğlu, BK Aydın, ...
Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology 7 (1), 27, 2015
Frequency and risk factors of endocrine complications in Turkish children and adolescents with sickle cell anemia
S Özen, S Ünal, N Erçetin, B Taşdelen
Clinical presentations, metabolic abnormalities and end-organ complications in patients with familial partial lipodystrophy
B Akinci, H Onay, T Demir, Ş Savas-Erdeve, R Gen, IY Simsir, FE Keskin, ...
Metabolism 72, 109-119, 2017
Diabetes care, glycemic control, complications, and concomitant autoimmune diseases in children with type 1 diabetes in Turkey: a multicenter study.
DG Simsek, Z Aycan, S Özen, S Çetinkaya, C Kara, S Abalı, K Demir, ...
Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology 5 (1), 20-26, 2013
Reliability and validity of the diabetes eating problem survey in Turkish children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus
YA Altınok, S Özgür, R Meseri, S Özen, Ş Darcan, D Gökşen
Journal of clinical research in pediatric endocrinology 9 (4), 323, 2017
Neurodevelopment evaluation in children with congenital hypothyroidism by Bayley-III
M Komur, S Ozen, C Okuyaz, K Makharoblıdze, S Erdogan
Brain and Development 35 (5), 392-397, 2013
Rapid molecular genetic diagnosis with next-generation sequencing in 46, XY disorders of sex development cases: efficiency and cost assessment
S Özen, H Onay, T Atik, AE Solmaz, F Özkınay, D Gökşen, Ş Darcan
Hormone research in paediatrics 87 (2), 81-87, 2017
Bone mineral density in children with familial Mediterranean fever
A Duzova, F Ozaltin, A Ozon, N Besbas, R Topaloglu, S Ozen, ...
Clinical rheumatology 23, 230-234, 2004
Aromatase deficiency, a rare syndrome: case report
EK Baykan, M Erdoğan, S Özen, Ş Darcan, LF Saygılı
J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol 5 (2), 129-132, 2013
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