Ahmad Alsabbagh
Ahmad Alsabbagh
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Lithium enrichment optimization from Dead Sea end brine by chemical precipitation technique
A Alsabbagh, S Aljarrah, M Almahasneh
Minerals Engineering 170, 107038, 2021
Influence of grain size on radiation effects in a low carbon steel
A Alsabbagh, RZ Valiev, KL Murty
Journal of Nuclear Materials 443 (1-3), 302-310, 2013
Phytoremediation of Jordanian uranium-rich soil using sunflower
AH Alsabbagh, TM Abuqudaira
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 228, 1-9, 2017
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of neutron irradiated ultrafine grained ferritic steel
A Alsabbagh, A Sarkar, B Miller, J Burns, L Squires, D Porter, JI Cole, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 615, 128-138, 2014
Effects of gamma irradiation on 3D-printed polylactic acid (PLA) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
A Alsabbagh, R Abu Saleem, R Almasri, S Aljarrah, S Awad
Polymer Bulletin 78, 4931-4945, 2021
Radiation shielding of fiber reinforced polymer composites incorporating lead nanoparticles—an empirical approach
R A. Abu Saleem, N Abdelal, A Alsabbagh, M Al-Jarrah, F Al-Jawarneh
Polymers 13 (21), 3699, 2021
Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of low dose neutron irradiated HT-9 steel
A Sarkar, AH Alsabbagh, KL Murty
Annals of Nuclear Energy 65, 91-96, 2014
Selective recovery of lithium from Dead Sea end brines using UBK10 ion exchange resin
S Aljarrah, A Alsabbagh, M Almahasneh
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 101 (3), 1185-1194, 2023
Investigation of Jordanian uranium resources in carbonate rocks
A Alsabbagh, L Zaidan, I Harahsheh, NB Sunbul, S Landsberger
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 308 (3), 1063-1070, 2016
Wet gravity separation and froth floatation techniques for rare earth elements beneficiation from monazite ore in Jordan
AH Alsabbagh, RM Mustafa
Heliyon 9 (9), 2023
An Assessment Study in the Determination of Chemical Elements in Sediments and Fish in the Zarka River and King Talal Dam, Jordan
A Alsabbagh, L Khalayleh, M Dbissi, S Landsberger
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2017
Effect of lead nanoparticles on the radiation shielding characteristics of carbon fiber/epoxy composites
R Abu Saleem, N Abdelal, A Alsabbagh, M Al-Jarrah, F Al-Jawarneh
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 42 (9-10), 483-493, 2023
Examination of fault zones and uranium concentration effects on the in-soil radon levels at Central Jordan Area
A Alsabbagh, S Alzghoul, S Marashdeh, RA Saleem
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 1-7, 2018
Radiation and lead nanoparticles effects on the mechanical properties of unidirectional carbon fiber/epoxy composites
N Abdelal, R Abu Saleem, A Alsabbagh, M Al-Jarrah, F Al-Jawarneh
Journal of Composite Materials 56 (17), 2653-2664, 2022
Effect of Neutron Irradiation on Ultra-Fine Grained Steel
AH Alsabbagh, KL Murty
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 107, 456, 2012
Synergistic Effects of Neutron Irradiation and Interstitial Nitrogen on Strain Aging in Ferritic Steels
N Kumar, A Alsabbagh, CS Seok, KL Murty
Mechanical and Creep Behavior of Advanced Materials: A SMD Symposium …, 2017
Developing Neutron Tomography Capabilities at the PULSTAR Reactor
AH Alsabbagh, Z Xiao, AI Hawaii
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 103, 229-230, 2010
Rapid extractive scintillation method for uranium measurement in soil samples
S Alameer, E Boria, A Alsabbagh, R Alzubi
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 1-11, 2024
Remediation and Retrieval of Legacy Radioactive Waste Stored at Sewaqa Site in Jordan
A Alsabbagh, R Mustafa
Dismantling and Removal of Cs-137 Blood Irradiator from Jordanian Hospitals
AH Alsabbagh, RM Mustafa
Radioactive Waste Management: Solutions for a Sustainable Future …, 2023
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Articles 1–20